. The festival celebrates Jesus' coming back to life after he was crucified (在十字架上被钉死). But why should people go ……
, was the 13th guest to arrive at the Last Supper. Jesus was crucified (在十字架上被钉死) on a Friday, making ……
crucifixion (被钉死在十字架上). The most exciting part of the celebration is Easter Egg Hunting. The Easter ……
他的地方也都得到了体现:耶稣基督是在33岁时被钉在十字架上;约瑟是在33岁时娶的童真玛利亚;耶稣一共完成了33个奇迹;在《创世纪》里,上帝的名字总共提到了33次;在伊斯兰教里,天堂 ……
of Matthew)的说法,耶稣基督在十字架上受刑死后(Jesus Christ was executed by crucifixion)三天复活(resurrection),因而设立此节。复活 ……
摘自: 4月节日[编辑:邵金荣, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
fair game."---------------------------------------breach: 违反,违背claimant: 原告crucifixion:耶稣受难(在十字架上 ……
。Jesus Christ为了拯救人类被钉在十字架上为人类受难。大多数西方人是基督徒,他们信奉Jesus Christ,视他为救世主。每逢星期日要去教堂做礼拜,读《圣经》,听牧师讲道,向上帝忏悔、祈祷。每到 ……