会议介绍香港城市大学韩礼德语言研究智能应用中心将于8月13日至15日举办第二届国际会议,主题为“翻译、语言接触及多语沟通”(Translation, Language Contact, and Multilingual Communication)。欢迎世界各地学者及业界人士提交论文,参加会议。主旨发言人Christian Matthiessen (professor ……
In the summer vacation, I went to the Bird's Nest to watch an Athletic event (田径项目). When I got to the Bird's Nest, I found that it’s very big. On the exercise ground, Some players were running, some were jumping and some were throwing. ……
摘自: 与鸟巢的亲密接触[北京小学 五(2)班 师昊鹏, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
今年5月,国家人事部新推出的全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试进行了第二次试点考试. 除了这位翻译领域的“新人”,由教育部考试中心和北京外国语大学合作举办的全国外语翻译证书考试和有“黄金证书”之称的、极具权威性的上海市中高级口译资格考试近年也持续升温. ……
4月2日,“2007梦想之旅”——中国大学生励志系列讲座在北京启动,本次活动由共青团中央学校部、全国学联办公室、新东方教育科技集团共同举办. 据新东方教育科技集团董事长俞敏洪介绍该活动旨在通过组织巡讲团进行全国巡讲,向大学生讲授励志故事、传授成功经验,对其在理想树立、求职就业等方面遇到的问题进行辅导,搭建起成功创业者与大学生交流互动的平台. ……
由英国发起的“时代中国”教育项目近日正式启动,该项目旨在帮助英国各地学生学习和了解中国文化。例如,英国小学生将学习如何用中文从一数到十,聆听古老的中国故事,学写中国汉字;中学生将学习一些中文的日常用语,欣赏中国传统和现代艺术,了解中国的地理知识和历史文化。据了解,“时代中国”活动由英国40多家大公司于2006年共同发起,活动的主体阶段从2008年2月至7月在英国约25个城市同时举行,活动项目将达800余项,是英国有史以来举办的规模最大的中国文化活动。. ……
“哇!外国人!”外教Michael一露面,在操场上玩耍的孩子们便一窝蜂围了过来. Michael也立刻摆出一副非常吃惊的表情,故作夸张地回应道:“哇!中国人!”孩子们听了不禁笑作一团. 另一处,外教Rachel身边也围了不少孩子,她微微弯下身子,保持与孩子平视的角度,与他们打起了招呼. ……
和北极熊零距离“接触”The two children are swimming with polar bears. Is it safe? Don’t worry. They are in a zoo in Canada. There is a thick piece of glass between the children and the bears. ……
rub shoulders withMeaning: to interact socially with 与……交往,接触Example: If you travel across China by bike, you will find yourself rubbing shoulders with all sorts of people. (如果骑自行车游中国,你会接触 ……
与猛兽亲密接触! WHAT will you do if a hungry lion jumps at you? Scream (尖叫) or run! But visitors in a zoo in Australia don’t have to. They smile! That’s because there are walls between the visitors ……
亲密接触北极熊!THE two children in the picture are swimming with polar bears. Is it safe? Don’t worry. They are in a zoo in Canada. There is a thick (厚的) piece of glass, *more than 7cm thick, between ……
我们与海洋动物亲密接触!THE boy on the right is receiving a kiss from a sea lion. And the girl on the left is very surprised (惊讶的). The students from Xinjiang are now studying at a middle school in Wuhan, Hubei ……
让我们齐心协力穿过网格。►STUDENTS at Jinan Experimental Middle School, Shandong, played a special game on April 12. In the game, students have to pass through a grid (网格) without touching (接触) it. The grid ……
touches the ice cube (线和冰块接触的地方).Wait for a minute. Carefully pick up the string. You can lift5 the ice cube with the string.Why?盐可以让冰融化。我们在线接触冰块的地方洒上一些盐,就可以让这个地方融化。过一小会儿,冰块融化的地方会再冻结起来。这时,线就被冻在冰里了。我们就可以用线把冰块提起来了。 ……
handles...”本句中as…as…表示“像……一样”的意思。be likely to do表示“很可能……”。句意为:“人们接触手机患病和接触浴室门把手患病的几率几乎是相同的”。 ……
ICIC与鲸鲨近距离接触同游。与鲸鲨近距离接触同游。A man is swimming in front of a whale shark (鲸鲨)! The man is Kaushiik Subramaniam from the UK. In February, while he was studying sea life in Maldives, he came across ……