近日,墨西哥历史学家米盖尔莱翁伯蒂亚出版了一本用纳华语和西班牙语书写的短篇小说集《新世界的动物》,意在“捍卫纳华语这一土著语言,使其不致消亡”。该书为双语对照形式,配有42页精美插图。作者在书中收集了16世纪的墨西哥印第安人有关豹猫、黑蛇、丛林狼、蜘蛛猴、狗、负鼠和蜂鸟这七种动物的故事。据了解,目前墨西哥仍有50多种土著语言,纳华语是其中最重要的一种,有超过150万的土著居民使用。近年 ……
are the indigenous (土著的) people of New Zealand. They make up 17 percent of people in the country. After... are the indigenous (土著的) people of New Zealand. They make up 17 percent of people in the country ……
a book澳洲男孩用土著语言写书澳洲男孩用土著语言写书Bagan, Barra Barra, Mirriwarr. It sounds like a spell (咒语), right... to write it.The book came out on Sept 4. Sept 4 is Indigenous Literacy Day (土著人扫盲日) in Australia ……
品). According to Reuters, one area showed that the area belonged to Indigenous inhabitants (土著居民) who once... carvings (雕刻品). According to Reuters, one area showed that the area belonged to Indigenous inhabitants (土著 ……
India, Mongolia andaboriginal(土著的) peoples of Central America, all of mankind once spoke the same ……
他是怎么知道天气的?Two men are traveling in a wild (荒芜的) part of the US. Many days pass and they don’t see anybody. They don’t even (甚至) see a house. Then, one day, they meet an old Native American (美洲土著 ……
性的)” – for example, learning to cook in Cuba, or going hunting with indigenous (土著的) people in Australia ……
性的)” – for example, learning to cook in Cuba, or going hunting with indigenous (土著的) people in Australia ……
性的)” – for example, learning to cook in Cuba, or going hunting with indigenous (土著的) people in Australia ……
据悉,墨西哥教育部即将在该国师范院校内启动“跨文化和双语学习计划”,以提高公众对印第安语言和文化的重视。根据墨西哥教育部提供的资料,墨西哥现有125万名在校印第安学生,而专职为印第安学生授课的教师仅有5.5万人,且其中半数教师只会讲西班牙语(墨西哥官方语言),致使印第安学生的教育质量大打折扣。据统计,墨西哥共有68种土著语言。通过“跨文化和双语学习计划”,墨西哥政府希望师范生走上工作岗位时至少能较为熟练地掌握一门土著语言。 ……
VCG 澳大利亚土著儿童探索悉尼海滩文化澳大利亚土著儿童探索悉尼海滩文化Indigenous (原住民的) kids in Australia had a snorkeling (浮潜) lesson on Jan 27.Indigenous (原住民的) kids in Australia had a snorkeling (浮潜) lesson on Jan 27 ……
time.They found farming in the US hard. But with the help of thenative Indians(土著印第安人), they still got ……
几千年前,巧克力只能喝不能吃,并且被认为是上帝的恩赐。Did you know that chocolate didn't used to be eaten? People drank it instead! And it wasn't sweet, either.For thousands of years, native (土著的) Americans grew the cacao ……
他是怎么知道天气的?TWO men were traveling in a very wild (荒芜的) part of the US. Many days passed and they didn’t see anybody. They did not even see a house. Then, one day, they met an old Native American (美洲土著 ……
: Darwin is the most beautiful city in northern Australia. Get hold of some brilliant indigenous (土著 ……