据美联社报道,美国国防部日前正计划组建一支拥有大约1000名士兵的"外语兵团"。国防部表示,印第安纳大学、加利福尼亚州立大学圣迭戈分校、密西西比大学和得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校四所大学将获得四项总额为200万美元的经费,用于向军校学员教授阿拉伯语、俄语、普什图语、汉语、印地语和波斯语等语言。由于反恐战争的压力,美国军方正面临外语人才短缺的困扰。美国政府已开始积极培养双语人才,大力发展对国家安全具重要意义的语言教育。 ……
紧急情况核动武?中国要求作解释CHINA has been left "deeply shocked" after hearing the contents of a US Defence Department (国防部) report, said Foreign Ministry spokesman (外交部发言人) Sun Yuxi last Tuesday. The report ……
(毁灭) of America." US Defence Secretary (美国国防部长) Donald Rumsfeld still believes that the US will find ……
吃棒棒糖戒烟,划算。THE Russian Defence Ministry (国防部) has ordered its officers to help soldiers stop smoking by encouraging them to suck lollipops(棒棒糖) and eat sweets.The senior soldiers were also told ……
in the Robotics Challenge Trials (机器人挑战赛) of DARPA (美国国防部先进研究项目局). In this competition, robots needed ……
词数 159 建议阅读时间 3分钟 测试见7版 A NEW kind of gel (凝胶) is set to save the lives of British soldiers (士兵). The Ministry of Defence (国防部) has given 100,000 pounds to a small company that has developed ……
CHINA国产航母domestically manufactured aircraft carrierThe Ministry of National Defense (国防部) said on Oct 27 that the design and building of China’s first domestically manufactured aircraft carrier ……
to the Defense Department (国防部). The problem begins in childhood, the study says. The obesity rate among 2-year ……
, US Defence Secretary (美国国防部长) Donald Rumsfeld said last Thursday.US government officials warned ……
美国五角大楼有意开发新型探测器——仅凭气味便可确定人的身份。SNIFFER dogs(嗅探犬) may lose their jobs.Detectors(探测器) that canidentify(确认) people by smell may replace them in the near future.ThePentagon(五角大楼,美国国防部办公大楼) in the US wants ……
USSecretary of Defence(国防部长) Donald Rumsfeld's surprise visit to Iraq on Thursday.Who will be the best?哪种 ……
国城市广泛使用embuggerance 挫折感 英国国防部doobly,podge,melly, boggler, zapper 电视遥控器 在许多家庭中被使用,该物品由于经常"失踪"而成...范围单词单词含义含义使用范围使用范围bisk 人一天的休假 在英国城市广泛使用biskbisk人一天的休假人一天的休假在英国城市广泛使用在英国城市广泛使用embuggerance 挫折感 英国国防部 ……
China is likely to get aircraft carrier soonCHINA will not remain the world's only major country without an aircraft carrier, Defense Minister (国防部长) Liang Guanglie said during his meeting ……
德国防部长辞职引发的诚信思考。IT has been a bad week for the German defence (防御) minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. Well, former (前任) defence minister actually, since he resigned (辞职) on March 1. He stepped down ……
passenger planes and flew them into the Pentagon (五角大楼—— 美国国防部所在地 ) in Virginia and the Twin Towers ……