to the present, the book attempts to answer philosophical (哲学的) questions like “Who are we?”, “Where do we ……
the philosophic (哲学的) mind. ……
——记第62期名家论坛系列讲座10月30日上午,北外校长助理、发展规划处处长杨建国教授为中心08、09级博士生及访问学者作了题为“逻辑学与语言哲学”的讲座。杨教授的讲座分四部分:一、引言;二、传统逻辑学的研究对象及发展历程;三、现代逻辑的一些基本概念和公式;四、现代逻辑对现代哲学的影响。杨教授首先阐述了哲学、逻辑学和语言学的区别和联系:哲学研究人类精神、意义、价值等;逻辑 ……
tree. In 1687, he published his book Principia (《自然哲学的数学原理》) in which he described his theory ……
the logical and philosophical (哲学的) sides of mathematics. There are some mathematicians from...”, discussed the logical and philosophical (哲学的) sides of mathematics. There are some mathematicians ……
. This poem contains deep philosophical (哲学的) thoughts. It uses the metaphor of flowing water to say... of reading. This poem contains deep philosophical (哲学的) thoughts. It uses the metaphor of flowing water ……
西方语言哲学专题研讨会征文通知广东外语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心将于2008年1月10至11日举办西方语言哲学专题研讨会暨中西语言哲学研究会成立大会。会议主题西方语言哲学与当代语言学研究主要议题:1、西方语言哲学的老问题和新发展2、当代语言学研究如何从西方语言哲学中汲取营养论文征集9月30日前提交中、英文摘要(中文限600字、英文限300词),并请附上作者姓名、单位、联系电话等。联系 ……
我问我的心,它的血液里可有智慧能发现那看不见的道路。背景赏析泰戈尔(1861-1941)是印度诗人、哲学家和印度民族主义者,1913年他成为第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的亚洲人。他的诗中含有深刻的宗教和哲学的 ……
why students are in school: to study. Compared to mottos (格言) that are deep and philosophical (哲学的 ……
人生边上》), a philosophical (哲学的) work whose title is a reference to her husband’s collection of essays called ……
philosophical (哲学的) system and historical view to better tell stories about China,” he told news ……
) of an ordinary day – drinking wine while listening to songs – and yet ends on a philosophical (哲学的 ……
reasons people are searching the term more often. Searchers may be driven by philosophical (哲学的 ……
and into the sea.In the last two lines, the poet combines an action with a philosophical (哲学的) idea. In one sense ……
these important philosophical (哲学的) questions when she learns the truth about the Tucks. Does life have... philosophical (哲学的) questions when she learns the truth about the Tucks. Does life have any meaning ……