This cat is named Smokey. She is from the UK. She can purr (发咕噜声) at 92.7 decibels (分贝), as loud as a flying plane. It is the loudest purr of any cat in the world. ……
and play. Cats purr (咕噜咕噜叫) and sleep. When they see their friends, dogs wag their tails (摇尾巴). When ……
人会觉得你很粗鲁,会直接拿起汤盘,把汤倒进嘴里,就像喝水一样咕噜咕噜地把汤吞下去。为了避免用词错误,你也可以用中性动词have,它可以与各种食物搭配。EditorEditor ……
家教你听懂“猫言猫语”。科学家教你听懂“猫言猫语”。When a cat is purring (发出咕噜声), murmuring (小声... makes purrfect!When a cat is purring (发出咕噜声), murmuring (小声叫), meowing or yowling (吼叫), can you ……
oceanAt least 800 kinds of fish make their own sounds, including clicking (敲击声) and purring (咕噜声).At least 800 kinds of fish make their own sounds, including clicking (敲击声) and purring (咕噜声).A healthy coral ……
might be the solution.Stroke(抚摸) it with your hand or call it by name, and it willpurr(咕噜), turn its ……
嘎吱声 humiliate 羞辱 jug 水壶 mane 鬃毛 mansion 宅邸masculine 男性的 masochism 受虐狂 meek 温顺的 pelt 毛皮 petal 花瓣 purr 咕噜咕噜 ……
再次扬起脸,“什么春天的熊?” “春天的原野里,你一个人正走着,对面走来一只可爱的小熊,浑身的毛活像天鹅绒,眼睛圆鼓鼓的。它这么对你说到:‘你好,小姐,和我一块打滚玩好么?’接着,你就和小熊抱在一起,顺着长满三叶草的山坡咕噜咕噜 ……
《疯狂原始人》(The Croods)讲述了一个原始人家庭的冒险旅行。原始人咕噜一家六口原本在老爸Grug的庇护下生活。他们每天抢夺鸵鸟蛋为食,每晚听老爸叙述同一个故事,在山...着超凡的创造力和革新思想,帮助咕噜一家躲过了重重困难。一行人在影片中展开了一场闹腾而又惊险的旅程。下面是爸爸Grug在和大女儿Eep争吵后,一家人在妈妈(Ugga)的提议下聚集在山洞里听Grug讲故事:精彩回放Ugga ……
. And it purrs (发出咕噜声) like a cat. It sounds like it really enjoys your touch! Through petting... to your touch. As you hold and pet it, its heartbeat slows. And it purrs (发出咕噜声) like a cat. It sounds ……
;over 7,000 grunts (猪发出的咕噜声). Then they match each sound to a pig’s emotions (情绪...,000 grunts (猪发出的咕噜声). Then they match each sound to a pig’s emotions (情绪), such as being ……
, and he purred (咕噜叫) a few times happily. As he lay down on the ground, I touched his belly (肚皮). His... with me! I need a partner.” I gently touched him, and he purred (咕噜叫) a few times happily. As he ……
. For example, the app characters respond to touch. Gently rubbing Talking Tom Cat causes a purr (咕噜 ……
touch. As you hold and pet (抚摸) it, its heartbeat slows. And it purrs (发出咕噜声) like a cat. It sounds like.... And it purrs (发出咕噜声) like a cat. It sounds like it really enjoys your touch! 3.  ……
家的受喜爱程度超过了经典儿童文学名著的作者Beatrix Potter(英国,1866-1943)、Enid Blyton(英国,1897-1968)等。在调查中,最受欢迎的三本书为作家Julia Donaldson和Axel Scheffer的《咕噜 ……