Common terms from overseas shopping sitesBilling address 账单地址Estimated delivery 预计抵达日期In stock/out of stock 现货/缺货Place your order 下单Proceed to checkout 付款Promotional code 优惠券Shipping address 邮寄地址 ……
。整个句子是说“ Edeka 已经在它的70个连锁超市尝试使用了这种(付款)系统。Edeka公司还说它将把这种(付款)系统引荐到其他的200个连锁店,因为顾客喜欢使用。小编 ……
if the failure to pay is due to conditions beyond the control of the member state.Arrear指“到期未付款、欠款 ……
系统也进行了改进,以杜绝此类情况发生。调整后的考试报名程序为:考生首先在雅思报名网站上注册为用户,并预付报名费用。此后,考生选择并预订考试场次、在线填写并提交报名表,最后确认付费。据悉,雅思的付款方式和考试费用均没有变化,考生依然可以通过网上付款或银行电汇的方式进行付款。调整后,报名截止日期也由原先考前15个工作日缩短为考前10个工作日。 ……
等各环节建立了海关、机场、车站、酒店、超市、图书馆等实景建筑,每个建筑内都有外籍工作人员提供语言服务。据介绍,外语城初期将提供亲子英语、出国英语、英语俱乐部等学习课程。天津连邦教育推出分期付款培训近日,天津连邦教育集团与银行联手推出了“分期付款”模式的外语培训项目。据了解,凡报名参加连邦集团旗下各类教育课程,包括英语、日语、韩语等培训的学员,均可申请“先上课后交钱”的付款模式,即学员参加外语培训第1个月 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
to clear your debt, you'll be put into prison. 如果你不还清债务,那你就要坐牢。instalment: n. 分期付款; instalment plan 分期付款... of China. 如果你是中国银行的信用卡持卡人,那你就可以享受6个月的免息分期付款优惠。 ……
-表示“生命、生物”,比如bio-fuel (生物燃料), biotech (生物技术)。Payment表示“支付”,如advance payment (预付款)。侮辱性绰号insulting ……
方下属的学习中心数量为179家,比上一季度的166家增加13家。 重庆韦博新推分期付款学英语活动据《重庆晨报》报道,日前,高端英语培训机构韦博国际英语重庆培训中心首次推出了“零首付免利息,轻松分期学英语”的信用卡分期付款活动。据悉,目前韦博国际英语重庆培训中心已与当地工商、民生、招商、交通、深发展、光大等银行达成了分期付款合作协议,上述银行的信用卡持卡人在韦博报读任一英语培训课程,即可 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
with a promise to pay the rest in parts, calledinstalments(分期付款).In the fall of 1929, the good times came.../end 表达出以什么方式结束2. 释义:他们没法付清当初以分期付款方式购买的物品的余款。难点:本句可分成两句话理解:They had bought things on the instalment ……
palmScanning your palm扫掌纹付款已成现实扫掌纹付款已成现实Panera Bread, a US cafe restaurant chain, started testing Amazon ……
, by phone or by cash?How would you like to pay, by phone or by cash?你要怎么付款,用手机还是用现金?你要怎么付款,用手 ……
by the time you reach the checkout (付款台). That’s exactly what happened to fans of the iconic British..., only to find out that the price has doubled by the time you reach the checkout (付款台). That’s exactly ……
for poor students. Some have todrop out ofschool when it becomes too expensive.HELPpay for: 为...付款drop out of: 退学according to: 根据HELPHELPHELPpay for: 为...付款drop out of: 退学according to: 根据pay for: 为 ……
量), discount forbulk buying(大宗购买折扣),settlement discount(提早付款折扣),credit period(信用期限,清偿期限),penalty clause(罚款 ……
, the guy will pay for both tickets, meaning they have to shell out (付款) around $160 just to go. Girls ……