【摘要】写作是英语教学的重要组成部分,也是对学生 语言综合运用能力的必要训练。本文通过教学实践,研 究写作教学中的同伴互评方式,探究提高高中生英语写 作水平的方法。【关键词】同伴互评;写作教学;高中...有效提高学生个体的写作水平成为亟待解决的问题。 本文旨在通过写作教学中实施同伴互评的研究,探究提升高中生英语写作水平的方法。二、研究设计1.研究问题同伴互评亦作同伴反馈或者同伴评估,是读者为写作者的作文提供意见和修改建议的教学活动,能够 ……
Charting the course of how to be effective peer evaluators in writing【摘 要】 培养学生成为有效的同伴反馈者,需要在前期作好充分的动机激励,明确培训目标及内容,合理化培训步骤。前期动机激励涉及通过同伴反馈科研成果汇总等形式明确同伴反馈活动的目的和意义;培训内容主要涵盖培训学生的写作技巧和反馈技巧;而教 ……
spacewalk with fellow (同伴) NASA astronaut Jessica Meir on Oct 18. TEENSTouch down! NASA astronaut...-breaking length (长度) of time, she also conducted (进行) the first all-female spacewalk with fellow (同伴) NASA ……
spacewalk with fellow (同伴) NASA astronaut Jessica Meir on Oct 18.Touch down! NASA astronaut Christina Koch... length (长度) of time, she also conducted (进行) the first all-female spacewalk with fellow (同伴) NASA ……
".If they are meeting friends, they use "Hi,mate(同伴)" or "Hi,buddy(伙伴)". Sometimes they useslang(俚语) words ……
测测你的“热心肠”指数。*This mind test is just for fun. Don’t take it seriously.You have to stay on a deserted (荒芜的) island. You can choose one animal as a companion (同伴). What do you choose?A: You care about ……
所充满学术氛围和创新精神的学府中,所有的课程都是选修课,唯一的例外是写作课。换句话说,无论学生选择什么专业,写作课都是他们必选的课程,哈佛对写作课的重视程度可见一斑。2024年1月,我有幸进入哈佛大学,观察了一堂同伴...的写作任务。一周后,学生带着自己的初稿来到课堂。我在课堂中观察学生如何在一个小时内相互审阅彼此作品,交流写作心得,并提出建议。写作课堂里的同伴互评目标在于互相帮助,改进初稿,提升 ……
时间) , Jacky cheers up his teammates. At last, they win the game. “High five!”可以用来表示你和同伴为了庆祝高兴的事情而相互击掌,可以 ……
of it.The black penguin “revealed (展现) no different behavior … of his fellow (同伴) penguins. In fact, he ……
印度小猴子勇敢救同伴。A monkey saved the life of another monkey! How? The touching moment happened at a train station in India. A monkey was shocked (使休克) by wires while walking on the railway tracks. It lay ……
. The next day, they arrived as planned and met their peers (同伴) from the Shenzhou XIV mission..., they arrived as planned and met their peers (同伴) from the Shenzhou XIV mission. This is the first time ……
弹涂鱼泥滩中“热舞”,旁观同伴“目瞪口呆”弹涂鱼泥滩中“热舞”,旁观同伴“目瞪口呆”“Hey! I’m over here!” Two mudskippers (弹涂鱼) jump out of mud at the mouth of a river ……
性化数字化模式转变。美国匹兹堡大学Christian教授及东北师范大学高瑛教授借助Peerceptiv英语写作在线同伴互评系统,联袂阐述了在线写作同伴批阅写作方法的优势,阐释了信息技术与外语教学深度融合基础上的在线教学原理,并从学习者行为大数据分析入手,用完备详实的数据提供了在线写作同伴批改法可信度和高效度的实践支持。 ……
愚人节快到了,想好招数捉弄你的同伴了吗?DON'Tbelieve(相信) everything you hear next Thursday. In fact, maybe you shouldn't believe anything at all that day, because someone might try to make you look like afool(傻瓜 ……
! I'll cheer for you. 在校运动会上,谁都会有失利的时候,如果你的同伴输掉了比赛,你首先要安慰他:Don't be upset!(不要难过。)如果你还有比赛项目,那么 ……