好老师您好:我看到一个句子:He studies hard.为什么动词study变成了studies呢?长春 张希博长春 张希博张希博同学:你好!首先,我们要表扬你的细心,因为要想学好一门语言,细心是非常重要的。英语中有许多地方与中文不一样。你的问题是关于英语中的动词变化。在英语中,动词在一般现在时第三人称单数中要变形。一般现在时表示现在的状态,I'm a student.(我是 ……
中西方文化在语言表达上的差异,从语言、文化等角度分析地道的英语表达方式,为英语教师和学习者答疑解惑。有一个英语谜语:When can a person become two persons? (一个人什么时候能变成...”。另外一个意思即是“翻一倍”,也就是“(把)一个变成两个”。因此,谜底对应的便是第二层意思。英语里双关(pun)的文字游戏很多,常常很难直接翻译,只有懂得英语的人才能欣赏。不过,这也 ……
笔者在日常教学和高考阅卷中,发现书面表达的高分(20分以上)率是所有题型中最低的,大部分考生得分集中于10-16分之间。很多阅卷老师慨叹:许多文章虽然要点基本齐全,但是阅读起来像喝白开水一般索然无味,而像柠檬茶般味道诱人的佳作则凤毛麟角。虽然写出一篇美文非一朝一夕可就,但只要分析并模仿一下佳作的优点,并辅以一定量的有针对性的练习,高考作文上20分并非遥不可及。同学们主要存在以下几个问题:1. 高一高二时对写作不够重视,不注重写作练习,缺乏基本的语感。2. 用词单调、句式枯燥,通篇是简单句,体现不出所学的语法和词汇。3. ……
Never let failure stop you from trying againWhen a man was walking by some elephants, he suddenly stopped. He was confused about that these huge animals were being held only by a small rope tied to their front legs. No chains, no cages. ……
2016年,我踏入北京市顺义区仁和中学的校门,成为一名英语教师. 2016年,我踏入北京市顺义区仁和中学的校门,成为一名英语教师. 入职八年来,我深知自己肩负的职责,踏踏实实做好本职工作,兢兢业业上好每一节课. 至今,我对四年前的第一次市级公开课记忆深刻,因为那节课对我的职业生涯产生了很大影响. ……
这是一个全球互联互通、人类命运与共的新时代. 对我国基础教育而言,这个时代要求英语课程致力于培养具有中国灵魂、国际视野、跨文化沟通能力的时代新人. 我们所处的世界是一个各国、各民族、各种文化相互关联的世界,我们的学生不仅应具有知周中外、道济天下的人文情怀,也应具有文化交流、文明互鉴的胜任能力. 学习英语不仅在于学什么,更在于学后能做什么、能做成什么. ……
信不信由你If you keep your goldfish (金鱼) in the dark for a long time, it will turn (变成) grey. ……
微笑为何变成了嘲讽?Emojis can have some different meanings in China. PAGE 4 ……
Look at this suitcase (行李箱). It has three wheels1. It can change into (变成) a skateboard (滑板). With this suitcase, you don't need to worry about your heavy luggage (行李) anymore. ……
摘自: 滑板旅行箱[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
滑板旅行箱。Look at this suitcase (行李箱). It has three wheels. It can change into (变成) a skateboard (滑板). With this suitcase, you don’t need to worry about your heavy luggage (行李) anymore. ……
快把楼梯变成滑梯!SLIDES are big fun. Now SlideRider makes this fun easy to get. It is a foldable (可折叠的) slide. It can turn any staircase (楼梯) into a slide. ……
能变成课桌的书包。THIS is Teddy Bag. It is also a desk. It’s light and strong. You can carry it to school in the morning. When you are tired, just make it into a desk and sit on it. 21ST ……
世界首台糖果3D打印机 将照片变成糖Do you like candy? And do you like taking photos? What about turning photos... about 74 yuan. Do you want to have one? TEENSGrammarturn sth into sth 的意思是“把……变成”。例如:The witch turns ……
堆在一起变成雕塑HOW many people can you find in the picture? Wearing colorful clothes, they piled up (堆起来) to make a living human sculpture (雕塑). It was part of a free outdoor event (事件) last week in London. ……
机器猫变成了车YOU can drive Doraemon (哆啦A梦)! It is a new type of power-saving (节能的) car. It gets energy from the sun. It is made in Japan. Do you like the cute car? ……