. Propaganda指“宣传”,但通常带有贬义,指“具有误导性的、有偏见的宣传”。中性意义上的“宣传”通常可以说publicity,或communications。 ……
is fair and unbiased, which means that it’s not affected by public opinion。“无偏见的”说法还有impartial ……
letters. Because they are family members, hiring managers will believe their views are biased (有偏见的... (有偏见的).If you need a letter of recommendation, there are many people in your life you can ask.Alyssa ……
. Because they are family members, hiring managers will believe their views of you will be biased (有偏见的... of you will be biased (有偏见的). If you need a letter of recommendation, there are many people in your ……
the importance of not judging others by their looks 《疯狂动物城》让我懂得打破偏见的重要《疯狂动物城》让我懂得打破偏见的重要I watched ……
be found in textbooks. It broadens (拓宽) my outlook (眼界), teaches me to be unbiased (没有偏见的) toward ……
had and to realize that the opposite of them may also be true. 演讲者提出哲理性的观点:“有时候我们需要去世界的另一面才能发现那些存在于我们潜意识里的偏见,才会明白那些偏见的反面也可能是正确的。” ……
nothing but bad emotions or biased (有偏见的) ideas. Obviously, we should give up these slogans.Chen ……
,” the *ecstatic Fan said as she picked up the trophy.Prejudiced意为“有偏见的”,近义词有biased, tendentious等。美貌 ……
will fulfill his presidential responsibilities (责任). People need to be united and unbiased (无偏见的). We may ……
vision is not enough. You have to build consensus. Obviously Summers didn't achieve that. biased: 有偏见的... that. biased: 有偏见的elite: 精英NO Universities exist to pose tough questions, promote critical thinking ……
(打击) on hate crimes.仇恨犯罪是一种基于偏见的犯罪,是出于对某一特定群体或群体成员的敌意而犯下的罪行。Crime作名词,表示“罪行、犯罪”,常见...), calling for a crackdown (打击) on hate crimes.仇恨犯罪是一种基于偏见的犯罪,是出于对某一特定群体或群体成员的敌意而犯下的罪行。Crime作名词,表示&ldquo ……
.” Li also found that many boys have biased (有偏见的) views of sex according to the survey. “Some... have biased (有偏见的) views of sex according to the survey. “Some of the boys’ sexual knowledge comes ……
people.Although Ion can collect information quickly, some experts worry that it might be biased (有偏见的...表性的). Although Ion can collect information quickly, some experts worry that it might be biased (有偏见的 ……
information quickly, some experts worry that it might be biased (有偏见的). How does Ion deal with messages... information quickly, some experts worry that it might be biased (有偏见的). How does Ion deal with messages ……