开设“一带一路”专栏,助力“一带一路”学术建设。本期聚焦卢森堡。卢森堡地处欧洲西北部,人口成分多样,语言资源丰富。虽然英语并非其官方语言,但是该国长期致力于多语教育建设,实施了独特的多语教育模式。从中学阶段正式启动英语教育的做法,帮助卢森堡有效应对了英语在外语教育中的地位问题。实际上, “世界通用语”与“语言 ……
全球首个公交全免费的国家。Luxembourg (卢森堡) is a country in Western Europe with Germany to its east, Belgium to its north and west, and France to its south. As one of the world’s smallest countries, it covers an ……
卢森堡:首个公共交通免费国家。With a population of 602,000, Luxembourg is one of Europe’s smallest countries...) the environment. TEENS 卢森堡:首个公共交通免费国家。With a population of 602,000, Luxembourg is one ……
卢森堡:首个公共交通免费国家。卢森堡:首个公共交通免费国家。With a population of 602,000, Luxembourg is one of Europe’s smallest countries–yet it suffers (遭受) from major traffic jams.Every day, more than 200,000 ……
European culture capitals —Sibiu(锡比乌) andLuxembourg(卢森堡).Sibiu:Sibiu is in Romania (罗马 ……
---------------------------------------Schengen 申根,卢森堡一个小镇Estonia 爱沙尼亚Latvia 拉脱维亚Lithuania 立陶宛Slovakia ……
童话美景卢森堡Lucerne is a small and quiet city. It is in the middle of Switzerland (瑞士). There are many beautiful mountains and lakes. Let’s take a trip to this fairy-tale (童话般的) city!Chapel Bridge卡佩 ……
童话美景卢森堡Lucerne is a small and quiet city. It is in the middle of Switzerland (瑞士). There are many beautiful mountains and lakes. Let’s take a trip to this fairy-tale (童话般的) city!Chapel Bridge卡佩 ……
Free rides for everyone卢森堡公共交通将全部免费。 Luxembourg is a country in Western Europe with Germany to its east, Belgium to its north and west, and France to its south. As one of the world’s smallest ……
-Switzerland and Belgium-Luxemburg(卢森堡). Countries like Britain, France and Germany offer a similar tourist ……
trip to five European countries in August, 2006, visitingHungary(匈牙利), Austria, Germany,Luxemburg(卢森堡 ……
利), Latvia (拉脱维亚), Lithuania (立陶宛), Luxembourg (卢森堡), the Netherlands (荷兰), Norway (挪威), Poland (波兰 ……
in Luxemburg (卢森堡), where the average monthly wage was $4,089. The lowest were in Tajikistan (塔吉 ……
, Latvia (拉脱维亚), Lithuania (立陶宛), Luxembourg (卢森堡), Malta (马耳他), the Netherlands (荷兰), Poland ……
据2005年法国旅游部的统计,中国游客在巴黎参观的三大重点,一是卢浮宫,二是艾菲尔铁塔,排名第三的竟然会是“雨果之家”!这是他们的城市:雨果的浮日广场、巴尔扎克的拉丁区、普鲁斯特的香榭丽舍、纪德的卢森堡...万别想当然地把乌漆麻黑的蒙巴纳斯塔和人潮涌动的蒙巴纳斯塔火车站也算进去。最终为此地保留了骄傲与尊重的,是蒙巴纳斯墓园。与娇美的卢森堡公园相比,拉丁区的学生们都认为,还是到这里来呼吸新鲜空气更酷。作为巴黎第二大墓园,自1824年至今,这里已埋葬了30万人,但现 ……