兴校”为宗旨,以“知书达理、自强不息”为校训,以“修身立德、敬业乐群、治学严谨、诲人不倦”为教风,实施“弘扬传统、融汇中外、博学博爱、成功成仁”的办学理念,扬学校教学质量之风帆,彰学 ……
. 慈善;博爱donation n. 捐款flexible adj. 灵活的;柔韧的appeal n. 呼吁;恳请virtue n. 美德HELPHELPHELPcharity n. 慈善;博爱donation n. 捐款flexible adj. 灵活的;柔韧的appeal n. 呼吁;恳请virtue n. 美德charity n. 慈善;博爱donation n. 捐款flexible ……
博爱妈妈小水豚,跨界照顾小动物。Cheesecake is a 6-year-old capybara (水豚) from the United States. She lives in an animal rescue (救助) center. She cares for nearly all the animals in the center and becomes the “mother ……
this crisis, recover from this hardship, and rebuild their great nation. 酷句翻译在经济复苏与全球动荡的形势下,这样的灾难唤起我们人类共有的博爱之情。我们从拼死奋战在福岛的搜救队员身上看到了它(博爱)。我们从七十多个国家对日本的倾囊相助的行动里看到了它。我们还在那个奇迹般从废墟里获救的儿童的啼声中听到了它。我们 ……
such as malaria and tuberculosis.---------------------------------------malaria: 疟疾, 瘴气philanthropic: 博爱 ……
的philanthropic 博爱的predicament 困境 ……
many principles for modern society, such as benevolence (博爱). Moreover, I believe that we can further ……
, going against the grain of traditional stereotypes. They showed the benevolence (博爱) of doctors.... They showed the benevolence (博爱) of doctors through their courage and hard work, and moved the world ……
, which is about universal love (博爱) and peace and equality (平等) of all humankind, is shown deeply..., which is about universal love (博爱) and peace and equality (平等) of all humankind, is shown deeply ……
with him.All these characteristics make me feel close to Sherlock’s character. He is humanitarian (博爱 ……
”. 江苏省常州市博爱小学六(7)班 是晔 指导老师 张颖我是陈小小My nickname is “Chen little little”. My friend gave it to me. She ……
赛珍珠的乡土文学是文学中的一个特殊视角,值得我们认真阅读与研究。今年是美国著名女作家、1938年诺贝尔文学奖得主赛珍珠(Pearl S. Buck,1892—1973)诞辰125周年。赛珍珠是一座“沟通东西方文明的人桥”,一位伟大的人道主义者。坐落于长江运河交汇处的江南名城镇江是赛珍珠的中国故乡。作为赛珍珠家族居住时间最长的(近18年)中国城市,镇江地域文化对赛珍珠一生的文学创作、思想价值观以及慈善博爱 ……
want to be an engineer in our country’s defense industry (国防工业).宋知函·12岁·江苏省常州市博爱小学Mobile payments ……
presented a sense of peace, humanity (博爱) and reconciliation (和谐) to the whole world," said Marion Glatz ……
世界》) have become a part of popular culture. Hugo shows the great spirit ofhumanity(博爱) and he fights ……