). A Hungarian (匈牙利人) called Erno Rubiks made the first Rubik’s Cube in 1974. It’s now one of the world ……
is Hungarian (匈牙利人). The day before the final, he collided (碰撞) with his teammate Lin Xiaojun in the men’s 500m... and mother is Hungarian (匈牙利人). The day before the final, he collided (碰撞) with his teammate Lin Xiaojun ……
the case. In many cases the decisions were irrational (不理智).Literature 文学奖:Hungarian (匈牙利人)Imre ……
of the ballpoint pen (圆珠笔) was a surprise, too. Ladislas Biro, a Hungarian (匈牙利人), found that pens weren ……
语作品和别国语言作品之间的互译,促进与他国交流。20世纪30年代后,语法翻译法逐渐被直接法、听说法取代,更加注重口语学习,教学重点从文学转到更加全面的文化学习上。1945年4月,匈牙利人民在前苏联红军的帮助下全境解放,1949年8月20日正式宣布成立匈牙利人民共和国,此阶段的外语学习大幅度转向俄语,但面临师资、资金等匮乏的情况,因而该阶段的外语教学效率较为低下,收效甚微。1950年,俄语成为匈牙利 ……