合理纠正口语错误 提升课堂练习趣味性编者按:提高学生的口语交际能力是英语课堂教学的重要任务之一,但是学生们往往不愿开口练习。一是因为害怕犯错误而不敢说,二是不知道该说什么。教师应该针对这两点对学生加以帮助。本栏目从如何以最佳的方式纠正学生的口语错误和安排有趣味性的教学环节两个方面探讨口语教学。Three ways to correct students’ speechJulian ……
栏目主持:徐克容教授栏目主持:徐克容教授答:首先我们应界定中式英语的定义. 我认为中式英语多指运用中国人的思维逻辑和表达方式来说(译)英语. ……
was it?Teacher: Eggs.David: No, that’s wrong! I ate eggs yesterday. I have to correct (纠正) you. I had ……
首尔发动群众纠正翻译质量低下的标志牌。Signs (标牌) help people in a foreign country. Signs can be English, Chinese, Japanese and so on. But they sometimes have mistakes. Seoul is the capital city of South Korea ……
" (Correct:"焗油"and"茶叶").HELPcorrect v. 纠正sign n. 标志mistake n. 错误advertising n. 广告宣传HELPHELPHELPcorrect v. 纠正sign n. 标志mistake n. 错误advertising n. 广告宣传correct v. 纠正sign n. 标志mistake n. 错误advertising n ……
可爱猫耳朵督促你纠正不当姿势 。You probably bend (弯曲) your back when you are sitting at your computer or looking at your phone. This is not good for your health. Some belts may help straighten (挺直) your back ……
Chair talks for your health会“叫”的椅子可以提醒你纠正错误坐姿IF you sit in a chair for too long or in a bad position (姿势), your back may begin to hurt. Now, a new chair could help you avoid that. German scientists ……
Hi, I’m James and I work as a writer and editor for Teens. I hope I can help you with your problems.朋友老爱纠正我说话,我该怎么办?Dear James:I don’t always use the right words when I talk. But my friend always ……
red pens to correct (纠正) mistakes. For example, teachers mark students’ homework with red pens. People use red pens to correct (纠正) mistakes. For example, teachers mark students&rsquo ……
to app stores after rectifying (纠正) problems.According to a news release published on April 30... were allowed to return to app stores after rectifying (纠正) problems.The cyberspace regulators also ……
them down and think of ways to make them better.And here's a couple of tips... Want to correct (纠正...'s a couple of tips... Want to correct (纠正) your bad English? Teens experts give you some examples:1. When ……
improves English pronunciation日本推出最新软件纠正学生英语发音JAPAN has developed a new tool for improving students ……
摘自: 新闻点击[21ST-AGENCIES, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
Thomson ELT print products.New Japanese system corrects pronunciation日本研制语音识别系统自动纠正英语发音JAPAN'S National ……
摘自: 新闻点击[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
的) dance teacher. She corrected (纠正) my mistakes and taught me to relax. With her help, I danced much ……
为维护教材的权威性和严肃性,教育部教材局近日印发了《关于开展义务教育国家课程教材检查工作的通知》,决定对义务教育国家课程教材开展一次全面检查。对以校本课程教材、境外课程教材替代国家课程教材,或使用未经审定的教材等违规违法行为,要坚决予以纠正和清理,于10月15日前将排查情况报教育部教材局。教育部教材局今后将加强对教材使用的跟踪检查,不定期组织抽查。 ……