Chris Lonsdale,中文名:龙飞虎。国际心理学家、语言学家、教育家。龙飞虎出生于新西兰。11岁开始研究俄罗斯推出的快速学习法,在大学和研究生期间主修心理语言学。2005年底,龙飞虎完成了自己第一本英文版语言学著作The Third Ear,成为“6个月内学会任何一种外语”方法创始人。2009年,他将多年心理语言学的研究经验结合The Third Ear的方法体系,创造 ……
阅读在英语学习中的重要性已获得广泛共识。近日,好未来旗下的励步英语宣布引进国际权威英文分级阅读教材Reading A-Z(以下简称RAZ),标志着该机构在阅读教学的实践中迈上了一个新的台阶。励步英语创始人吴颖表示,与RAZ合作之后,励步英语的教学将进行全新变革,基于文本阅读的全媒体教学理念正在这里萌芽。记者: RAZ分级读物的哪些特质吸引了您?吴颖:具有能引发孩子兴趣的阅读内容、适合 ……
记者:2012年底您辞去世纪佳缘网站CEO一职后,陆续创办了在线教育网站91外教网和梯子网. 请问,您出于何种考虑向方兴未艾的中国在线教育市场投下这枚“深水炸弹”?这一大胆、创新的举措背后又隐藏着您对中国在线教育市场怎样的期许?龚海燕:从复旦大学读研究生期间开始创业,到2011年在美国纳斯达克上市,应该说我为世纪佳缘交上了一份比较满意的答卷. 经历了十年的征程,我感到自己业已进入了瓶颈期,需要再做一件新的事情来挑战自己. 世纪佳缘在美国上市时,我全程依靠CFO翻译,当时我就深刻体会到英语学习的重要性,所以二次创业开始时我选择进军中国在线教育市场,创办了91外教网. ……
记者:近年来,国际教育和国际学校备受热捧. 作为一名国际学校的负责人,请您对国际学校的发展作一个总结. 卢振虎:我国的国际教育大体经历了三个阶段. 1978年至1989年为初始发展阶段. ……
.The Ferris wheel is named after its creator (创始人), George Washington Gale Ferris, Junior. The first wheel ……
资本基金的Robert Grady担任公司主席,Kent Holiday留任总裁、首席执行官,Idapted Ltd.联合创始人、首席执行官李国栋(Adrian Li)任中国区总经理,Idapted Ltd.联合创始人、首席技术官兼首席运营官Jonathan Palley任全球技术与产品副总裁。此外,Kleiner Perkins风险投资公司的前合伙人Russell Siegelman和新东方(NYSE ……
Jet LiCHINESE movie star Jet Li is on the cover of the latest TIME magazine. He appears as the founder (创始人) of his "the One Foundation (壹基金)".The foundation was set up in April 2007. Jet Li has ……
, 46, won the award in the public welfare (公益) category. He is the founder (创始人) of the One ……
in total. Chen Lihua, the founder (创始人) of the organization, hopes that students could learn a great ……
激励人心的一节班会课。I LEARNED a lot from a special class meeting on March 27. On that day, the teacher played a video for us. It was a lecture given by the founder (创始人) of New Oriental School, Yu Minhong. He ……
(沙漠), US.Elon Musk had the idea of developing (开发) the tube train. He is the founder (创始人) of the US ……
and founder (创始人) of the Virgin Group (维珍集团). Bezos from the US is the founder of Amazon, the world&rsquo...;s richest men, are making this happen. Branson is a British businessman and founder (创始人 ……
. She is the founder (创始人) of Glowee, the company behind this project. Rey and her team collected... to change the way that cities use light,” Sandra Rey told the BBC. She is the founder (创始人 ……
it. According to Studio Ghibli, this is because the founders (创始人) are old and there was no one... to Studio Ghibli, this is because the founders (创始人) are old and there was no one to take their place ……
for free. According to Jack Cannons, the founder (创始人) of Bush to Beach, this experience makes... safety.According to Jack Cannons, the founder (创始人) of Bush to Beach, this experience makes indigenous ……