who have experienced traumas (精神创伤). According to Karen Anstiss, the head of the house, Marley had.... Marley lives at a safe house for women who have experienced traumas (精神创伤). According to Karen ……
"a kiss can cure all your trauma (心理创伤)!" ……
memories are processed Study shows how PTSD memories are processed 如何治愈创伤后的记忆?如何治愈创伤后的记忆?词数 320 测试见IV版词数 320 测试见IV版建议阅读时间 6分钟建议阅读时间 6分钟 ……
的sturdy: 强健的Bonus pointstraumatize: vt. 使精神上受创伤。名词: trauma (精神上的)创伤;形容词: traumatic (精神上)创伤的He ……
: Well, time heals (治愈) all wounds (创伤).Tom: Oh no, my hand is bleeding (流血)!David: Here, take my watch!Tom: What? Why?!David: Well, time heals (治愈) all wounds (创伤). Something ……
VCG 治疗犬帮助儿童缓解战火创伤治疗犬帮助儿童缓解战火创伤Nastya, 9, hugged (拥抱) a dog called Barcelona in Kyiv, Ukraine, on Oct 26. It was a dog therapy (治疗) lesson. Some kids in Ukraine are sad because ……
over 结疤The cut on my finger will eventually scar over. 我手指上的上会渐渐结成疤。bear a scar 背负着创伤The landscape of the town still bears the scars of the war. 小城的景色留下了战争的疤痕。scar sb for life使之一辈子遭受创伤Experience like ……
scientists find better treatment (治疗) for deaf Chinese and for patients with right braininjuries(创伤 ……
with sb. 或be on friendly terms with sb.。蕾哈娜因和同昔日冤家搭档而引发与粉丝的口水大战。难道过去受的创伤真的可以忘却? ……
that the new technique could help those with a fear of spiders or who are trying to bury traumatic (造成精神创伤... experiments they caused trauma (精神创伤) in mice by giving them electric shocks. Just as a war veteran ……
(创伤) of the 1930s Spanish Civil War (内战) alongside the story of two single mothers sharing... by Pedro Almodovar, explores the trauma (创伤) of the 1930s Spanish Civil War (内战) alongside the story ……
of claims (理赔).As long as these issues remain unresolved, the trauma (精神创伤) will linger (持续), Zhu said in an... remain unresolved, the trauma (精神创伤) will linger (持续), Zhu said in an interview with The Paper.  ……
(虎鲸) known as White Gladis.The behavior is “defensive (防御性的) based on trauma (精神创伤)”, said Alfredo...;The behavior is “defensive (防御性的) based on trauma (精神创伤)”, said Alfredo Lopez Fernandez, a biologist ……
for diamonds. P10 (据谣传,为了寻找钻石,他们曾经不顾一切地试图闯入头等货舱。)6. scar:结疤,留下创伤(伤痕)例句: Unemployed people are scarred for life, and even those who return to work often never recover previous levels of happiness. P7 (失业会给人造成终身的创伤 ……
学家可能会热衷于个体基因的变异,试图从微观的科学实验中找出答案;社会学家可能会探讨制度、社会经济、文化等环境因素对人的影响;而心理学家则试图从个体的心理发展、人格成长经历中找出潜在的内在规律,尤其是精神动力学理论更强调童年期的创伤...精神病理学中称为人格的解离或多重人格。一般来说,这种现象并不多见,就像书本中所介绍的,大多与童年时期受到的创伤有关,是儿童、青少年应对心理创伤与痛苦时的一种不恰当的心理防卫机制使然——儿童通过自我内心想象,用不 ……