的所有粉丝,排除了同时关注两个派别的用户,留下了316590个被推测为共和党以及363348个被推测为民主党的用户。在这些人中,他们从各党派中随机选出了17000人。首先,他们排除了不公开自己推特消息、近期未发布消息或不经常发布推特消息的人,最终,他们分析了5386个共和党人的466386条推特消息以及5373个民主党人的457372条推特消息。他们并未将关注的焦点放在这些人最常用的词语上,而是 ……
美国共和党全国大会遭遇规模空前的示威游行,"驴象之争"日渐白热化。NEW York's streets were covered by people dressed... week. But this was no carnival (狂欢节)— it was theRepublican Party's National Convention(共和党 ……
林肯:为自由平等而战。词数 200 建议阅读时间 5分钟 课件及教案见网站 测试见7版NOV 6, 1860 is the date that Abraham Lincoln became president. He was the first Republican (共和党的) president in US history. The Republican Party was founded ……
to others. Convention指社会多数人公认的“公约,惯例”,也可指“大型会议”。如:the Republican convention (共和党大会)。禽业公司大火poultry plant ……
's victory美国共和党中期选举大获全胜USRepublicans(共和党) scored a big win in the mid-term elections on November 5 ……
党) and Republican (共和党) parties following the March 12 primaries (初选). The first US presidential contest...人) for the Democrat (民主党) and Republican (共和党) parties following the March 12 primaries (初选). Still, it doesn ……
”,mantra则是“信念、准则”。这句话的大意是,大部分富人都支持共和党候选人,这很自然,因为共和党几乎已经采纳了“不再加税”的口号,而这正是许多富人所推崇的。But the donor... Democratic voters.背景在移民政策上,共和党和民主党的观点不同。共和党排斥非法移民,而民主党则对移民持同情态度,致力于推进移民法改革,让更多非法移民合法化,但这一举措一直受到共和党 ……
民主党众议员阿尔玛·亚当斯(《卫报》)现任美国众议院发言人保罗·莱恩(Paul Ryan)是一位共和党人。他7月17日在自己的Twitter页面发了一张他与国会山实习生们的自拍,可让...是两天之后,作为对莱恩照片的回应,共和党的竞争对手——民主党——也召集他们的实习生拍了一张自拍。拍照的是民主党实习生奥多拉·杰克森(Audra Jackson),她是一个黑人女孩,她身 ……
parties – the Democrats (民主党) and the Republicans (共和党) – could happen, depending on how many seats... that a big power swing between the two major US parties – the Democrats (民主党) and the Republicans (共和党 ……
debt ceiling debt ceiling 债务上限债务上限Republicans (共和党... economy, according to The Guardian.Republicans (共和党人) and Democrats (民主党人) in Washington, DC, US ……
随着美国大选的临近,老师和同学们在课堂上关于共和党和民主党的趣谈也日渐增多。Everybody knows that Republicans and Democrats are the two political parties in America. My understanding is that Republicans are generally rich people ……
rich people. In the 1980s and 90s, Irish republicans (共和党人) violently attacked people across the UK ……
美国共和党候选人闹笑话。词数 292 建议阅读时间 4分钟FOUR men in suits travel in jets and limos (豪华轿车) from state to state, each one trying to convince the voting public that they are the best candidate (候选人) for the race ……
presidential debate started earlier this month. Republican (共和党) presidential candidate Mitt Romney ……
candidates (共和党候选人) and two Democratic (民主党) candidates who are in the lead. The candidates ……