美国最常见和最不常见的工作是什么?词数 110 建议阅读时间 3分钟 WHAT are the most and least common jobs in the US?Retail (零售业) salesperson is the most common job in the US, The Atlantic magazine reported. There are 4.3 million ……
WHAT do you think are the most and least common jobs in the US?According to a new survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 4.3 million retail (零售业) salespeople in the US, which is about ……
in online retailing (零售业). Lime has followed Chinese companies’ bike-sharing idea. Many.... Amazon has learned from Alibaba in online retailing (零售业). Lime has followed Chinese companies&rsquo ……
into the entertainment retail (零售业) company HMV’s offices and played to their people so that they would ……
, and dedication (奉献). Don’t look down your nose at entry-level jobs in supermarkets, restaurants or retail (零售业 ……
or retail (零售业). They are great training grounds.3. Train for a leadership role. Leadership ……
the shop’s bottom line eventually.” “售货员如果能够自信地说一口标准的英语,他们将更好地向顾客介绍产品,从而使商店的(盈利)底线得以提高。”——新加坡零售业者协会主席Goh Eck Kheng(新加坡《海峡时报》)旨在帮助国人提高英语水平的新加坡“说好英语运动”(Speak Good English Movement)今年进入了第9个年头。最近,该运动将培训目标锁定零售业 ……
摘自: 域外声音[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
香港雇主满意大学毕业生英语能力日前,一项由香港语文教育及研究常务委员会委托香港政策研究所进行的调查显示,香港雇主对新入职大学毕业生雇员的英语能力表示“大致满意”。据悉,这项调查自今年9月开始,以当地私营机构雇主为研究对象,调查涉及香港制造及建造业、批发及零售业等七大行业的主要企业。调查结果显示,除保险业及酒店业外,受访的大企业大致满意当地大学毕业生的英语能力。大型 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
会成为拥有英国永久居留权的居民,第五年即可申请英国护照,成为英国公民。英国在不少领域都面临着劳动力不足的问题,如公立医院缺少医生和护理人员、制造业和零售业缺少工人和服务人员。新移民政策将与国内经济需求挂钩,为那 ……
business.公司已决定增长其网上零售业务。laughingstock笑柄I can’t wear this hat. I’d be a laughingstock in the office.我可 ……
everything he could to make sure it would happen. He even went into the entertainment retail (零售业 ……
and followed 15-second video app TikTok. Amazon has imitated Alibaba in online retailing (零售业). Lime has... retailing (零售业). Lime has followed China’s original Mobike and Ofo brands in bike-sharing,&rdquo ……
(零售业). Lime has followed China’s companies’ bike-sharing idea.Meanwhile, China has made... TikTok. Amazon has imitated Alibaba in online retailing (零售业). Lime has followed China’s companies ……
)。有人在博客中描绘了零售业的“衰退时尚”运动:一大堆奢侈品“优雅”地拜倒在经济危机脚下,其价格早已不可与往日同日而语,商家将此时推出的打折活动定义为“时髦的服务”;还有人专门开设了名为“衰退达人”的博客,逐件介绍自己购买的便宜又时尚的单品。这两个新词反映出时尚和美容业的企宣人员正在努力将滑坡经济转变成一种有蛊惑力的零售趋势。举例来说,价格适中的法国某化妆品生产商最近向媒体发来电子邮件,推荐 ……
his stammer用作目的状语;③ which引导非限制性定语从句,which指代前面整个句子。释义:为了克服口吃,他努力让自己吐字清晰,甚至培养了对公共演讲的热爱,这最终使他能够在诸如全国青少年零售业...前面整个句子。释义:为了克服口吃,他努力让自己吐字清晰,甚至培养了对公共演讲的热爱,这最终使他能够在诸如全国青少年零售业务奖颁奖典礼等一些重要场合发表演讲。 ……