信不信由你难度:较易A cough (咳嗽声) can reach speeds (速度) of 90km an hour. This is as fast as a car on a highway (高速公路). ……
China has classified main roads into expressways (高速公路), and first-grade, second-grade, third-grade and forth-grade highways (一级、二级、三级、四级公路) according to their traffic volume and function. According ……
收费公路To make up the long-term *deficits of China’s toll road system, the National Development... toll roads.“收费公路”是通过对公路使用者直接收取车辆通行费来补偿公路建设及维护投资的一种公路基础设施成本回收方式,除了用toll roads表达外,还可以用turnpike表示。 ……
飞机开到马路上We usually see planes at the airport. But you may see them on streets next year. An American plane called the Transition can drive on roads and highways (高速公路). It has two seats. It also can ……
据悉,今年下半年,北京所有的道路英语标识牌将有望从汉语拼音改成规范的英文。 据市外办有关负责人介绍,截至2006年底,城八区市政道路6530面道路交通英文标识牌的规范工作已全部完成,首都高速公路发展有限公司对172块英文标识牌进行了更换;市路政局、首都公路发展有限公司等单位及相关区县对所辖的各级公路、高速路等均已启动了英语标识牌的规范工作。 ……
DO you believe that a plane can drive in the street? An American plane called the Transition can. It has two seats. People can drive it on roads and highways (高速公路). The plane is easy to park ……
波浪形公路带你飞。Traveling in Chongqing can be exciting. The city has a lot of hills and mountains. Few roads in the city are straight (直的). This road looks like a series of waves (波浪)!There are buildings ……
在公路上“乘风破浪”。Traveling in Chongqing can be an exciting experience. The city is built on hills and mountains. Few roads in the city are flat (平坦的) or straight. But this one is super special. It looks ……
摆摊贩卖"。highway 顾名思义就是"高速公路",所以整个标志合起来意思就是"禁止在高速公路上摆摊叫卖"。 ……
). A group of farmers made them. They stand along a highway (高速公路) in the US. Tin father ……
EnglishChineseBiscuitCookie饼干MotorwayFreeway/highway高速公路PuddingDessert甜品FilmMovie电影LiftElevator电梯GardenYard院子...BiscuitBiscuitCookieCookie饼干饼干MotorwayFreeway/highway高速公路MotorwayMotorwayFreeway/highwayFreeway/highway ……
EnglishChineseBiscuitCookie饼干MotorwayFreeway/highway高速公路PuddingDessert甜品FilmMovie电影LiftElevator电梯GardenYard院子...BiscuitBiscuitCookieCookie饼干饼干MotorwayFreeway/highway高速公路MotorwayMotorwayFreeway/highwayFreeway/highway ……
/highway高速公路PuddingDessert甜品FilmMovie电影LiftElevator电梯GardenYard院子TrainersSneakers运动鞋TrousersPants长裤...饼干MotorwayFreeway/highway高速公路MotorwayMotorwayFreeway/highwayFreeway/highway高速公路高速公路PuddingDessert甜品 ……
/highway高速公路PuddingDessert甜品FilmMovie电影LiftElevator电梯GardenYard院子TrainersSneakers运动鞋TrousersPants长裤...饼干MotorwayFreeway/highway高速公路MotorwayMotorwayFreeway/highwayFreeway/highway高速公路高速公路PuddingDessert甜品 ……
/highway高速公路PuddingDessert甜品FilmMovie电影LiftElevator电梯GardenYard院子TrainersSneakers运动鞋TrousersPants长裤...饼干MotorwayFreeway/highway高速公路MotorwayMotorwayFreeway/highwayFreeway/highway高速公路高速公路PuddingDessert甜品 ……