pay off做某事得到回报His hard toil writing the book finally paid off when it became a national best-seller.他的作品一跃成为全国的畅销书,而其多年辛勤笔耕终于得到回报。 ……
你喜欢画画吗?你想和全国的小朋友一起分享你的画作吗?来我们的《漫画工厂》一显身手吧!发表作品的小朋友还可以获得精美小礼物!作品要求:彩色漫画。配有英文标题。请在画稿的背面留下你的姓名、学校班级名称、年龄和电话联系方式。请把你的作品寄给我们:北京市朝阳区惠新东街15号《21世纪学生英文报》小学版邮编:100029 ……
摘自: 漫画征稿啦![21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
The spring is coming. The snail family is sunbathing. 天津市南开区中营小学 五(7)班 李振震你喜欢画画吗?你想和全国的小朋友一起分享你的画作吗?来我们的《漫画工厂》一显身手吧!发表作品的小朋友还可以获得精美小礼物!作品要求:彩色漫画。配有英文标题。请在画稿的背面留下你的姓名、学校名称、年龄及电话联系方式。请把你的作品寄给我们:北京 ……
Hello, everyone! Here is my drawing about the spring. The sun is shining. The apples on the tree are smiling. Spring is a happy time!漫画征稿啦 你喜欢画画吗?你想和全国的小朋友一起分享你的画作吗?来我们的《漫画工厂》一显身手吧!发表 ……
. Cao and his teammates have won two national (全国的) championships. “Before every race, I... jump (单摇). He can jump 192 times in 30 seconds. Cao and his teammates have won two national (全国的 ……
文学》创刊于1980年,由教育部主管,北京外国语大学主办。40年来,该刊紧跟学术前沿热点,努力构建面向全国的学术交流平台,积极推动我国外国文学研究发展,已成为国内外国文学研究领域影响力最大的学术刊物之一,是北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》来源期刊。据了解,《外国文学》创刊于1980年,由教育部主管,北京外国语大学主办。40年来,该刊紧跟学术前沿热点,努力构建面向全国的学术交流平台,积极 ……
.When I was 10, I went to anational(全国的) game. There I met Li He again.She came from Daqing. She ……
澳大利亚一项最新调查研究显示,该国外语教学正呈现出日趋萎缩的状态。全国的公立学校对外语教学态度冷淡,外语科目已不是学校教学大纲的一部分。THE teaching of foreign languages in Australian schools has fallen as governments focus on getting migrants to learn English, says ……
你如何看待风靡全国的广场舞?参与学校:四川省成都七中 指导老师:陶家耀 郭小娟Tu Yi: Group dancing in public parks and squares is a good way for people to keep fit and connected to others. But in order to keep residents living nearby from ……
total power并列为become的表语。句意为:该公司对他们的产品如此有信心,以致于他们期待RoboCops成为一种精准并能控制全国的警力。 ……
said onstage. Jerk是“猛拉”的意思,tear-jerking形容场面非常煽情,“催人泪下的”, 还可以用emotionalize表示“使动情”。热度席卷全国的2005年《超级 ……
xiangqi master (大师) of China. She was among the top five of a national (全国的) xiangqi competition. How did...全国最年轻的象棋国家大师Do you like playing xiangqi (Chinese chess)? Yan Zixi likes and plays it very well. She ……
of the eighth national (全国的) health survey (调研) for students from elementary school (小学) through college... the results of the eighth national (全国的) health survey (调研) for students from elementary school (小学 ……
-old has won many prizes. In 2004 he won twonational(全国的) prizes."From the beginning, I knew I would ……
-old has won many prizes. In 2004 he won twonational(全国的) prizes."From the beginning, I knew I would ……