THE concerns of many people over eating fast food may be justified (有道理的), according to a report from the Press Association of the UK, which claims that KFC and McDonald’s will lower your IQ ……
众所周知,政客们的话大多模棱两可或含沙射影,总是让人难以理解。最近,英国智库“政策研究中心”汇编的2008年Lexicon辞典收录了100多条“官话”,以帮助民众了解大臣与国会议员所使用的语言。这本辞典的序中写道:“政治人物操纵语言,经常是为了创造一种行动与目的的感觉,借此证明他们的存在是有道理的。”在官场上,词语逐渐被用来表达一些非常不同甚至完全相反的意思。根据该辞典的解释,“赋权 ……
中考词汇sense n. 意义用法:sensible adj.有意义的,有道理的;in a sense从某种意义看;make sense有意义,有道理。The sense of the word is not clear.probably adv. 很可能用法:区别:possibly和probably一般用于句中,maybe和perhaps一般用于句首。probably的可 ……
think that sharenting is reasonable (有道理的). First, sharing children’s pictures and news on social ……
think that sharenting is reasonable (有道理的). First, sharing children’s pictures and news on social ……
is to think if your ideas arereasonable(有道理的) and right before having an argument. If others' ideas ……
debating the ethical (伦理的) and moral (道德的) issues.But I still have the bill.And I still don''t know what to do with it.Words in focusreasonable adj. logical, showing good sense 合理的, 有道理的 Be reasonable ……
debating the ethical (伦理的) and moral (道德的) issues.But I still have the bill.And I still don''t know what to do with it.Words in focusreasonable adj. logical, showing good sense 合理的, 有道理的 Be reasonable ……
南开大学外国语学院英语系副教授 臧力强
言中的文化因素与使用该语言的民族所在国的国情的联系。特别是翻译中国独有的食品、乐器、度量单位和货币等语汇时采用音译是可取的,因为它们是我们民族独一无二的事物。因此,建议把京剧音译为“Jingju”,也是有道理的。京剧 ……
of the energy consumed (消耗) in the United States. Although it’s probably not reasonable (有道理的) to expect you ……
of the energy consumed (消耗) in the United States. Although it’s probably not reasonable (有道理的) to expect you ……
2reasonably adv. 合理地,公平地同根词:reasonable adj. 有道理的,合情理的;还算好的,不错的He can’t reasonably be expected to have ……
environment"。4.第一段第二句中的"We all knew"应改为"We all know"。这个地方用过去时是没有道理的 ……
化的序列中应该放在哪里。达尔文坦承无法解释这个怪物,于是那个人断言“达尔文的进化论不能成立”,使许多本来认为进化论有道理的人也产生了怀疑。当然,最终还是真相大白了。动物形象在不同的语言里常常会有不同的文化含义。汉语 ……
in good stead. (paragraph 8)No matter which of the two great names you choose, it is plausible (似乎有道理的 ……