贫乏的学生在理解英语语言的过程中障碍重重,语言输出时言之无物。相反,词汇丰富的学生不仅在理解语言输入内容时得心应手,而且在语言输出时也能挥洒自如,妙笔生辉。可见,英语语言技能的形成离不开词汇的积累与运用,词汇量的大小直接影响学生听、说、读...认为要提高词汇教学的效果,培养学生词汇运用能力,课堂教学是关键。教师应精心设计课堂词汇教学活动,将词汇教学与其他教学环节相结合,给学生创造丰富的语言运用情境,激活学生学习词汇的兴趣和主动性,鼓励学生通过体验、合作、探究 ……
菠菜其实含有丰富的维生素A。Most people know that spinach is a good source (来源) of iron (铁). But did you know that it is actually richer in vitamin A? ……
still had to give everything to beat him,” said the grand slam winner after the game. Veteran 指在某方面经验丰富的人,即someone who has a lot of experience in a particular activity, job, etc. 这里用作形容词,意思是“经验丰富的”。例如:He ……
表情丰富的机器人老师THIS young woman may soon teach in classrooms. But she is in fact a robot! Her name is "Saya". Saya can show surprise (惊讶) and happiness. Saya went into a real Tokyo classroom earlier ……
好丰富的社团活动啊!HOW many clubs are there in your school? Students at Wenlan High School in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, enjoy 50 clubs. They can take part in any club they like. Every Tuesday afternoon, students ……
!HELP tabloid n. 小报campaign against: 举行反对...的活动abuse v. 虐待dispute n. 争论 a huge range of: 非常丰富的lastly.... 虐待dispute n. 争论dispute n. 争论a huge range of: 非常丰富的lastly adv. 最终 a huge range of: 非常丰富的 ……
由英国大使馆文化教育处推出的“英语在线”网站 (www.englishonline.org.cn)于日前正式开通。该网站面向全球的英语学习者和从事英语教学的教育者,为他们提供丰富的英文学习和英语教学多媒体资料。此外,该网站还提供多种服务功能,鼓励全球用户相互交流、分享经验,实现真正的“互助式”英语学习。 ……
2009年上半年,北京外国语大学举办了“2008年度北京外国语大学优秀科研集体”评选活动,表彰在科研方面成绩突出、经验丰富的教学与科研单位。9月10日,评审结果公布。经校学术委员会对相关材料进行审核、评分,党政联席会审议通过,共有七家单位获奖。其中,中心再次荣获专职研究机构一等奖。 ……
你喜欢房子的哪个部分?*This mind test is just for fun. Don’t take it seriously.1.bedroom 2.living room 3.dining room 4.bathroom 5.kitchen 6.balconyA: You are imaginative (想象力丰富的) and colorful.B: You ……
sophisticated (阅历丰富的) viewers. Such programs always focus on crude (粗俗的) or degrading (有失身份的) behavior ……
sophisticated (阅历丰富的) viewers. Such programs always focus on crude (粗俗的) or degrading (有失身份的) behavior ……
silly things. Facing people’s questions, Ouyang said: “I’m not an experienced (经验丰富的) actress. But I ……
Irish writer George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) is the only person in history to win both an Academy Award and the Nobel Prize. Yet, apart from his prolific (丰富的) works, Shaw is thought to have had ……
smartStreet smart即“在城市环境中有巧妙生存能力、社会经验丰富的”。与street smart对应的是book smart,“书本知识丰富的”,用来形容读书多、高学历的人。 ……
club in Europe’s top five leagues to earn this honor. With this title, veteran (经验丰富的) forward..., veteran (经验丰富的) forward Thomas Muller, 32, became the first player ever to win the title 11 times ……