在英语教育四季杏坛广州场“四季论教”环节中,中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会理事长、中国教育科学研究院研究员龚亚夫、天津师范大学外国语学院院长冀小婷、重庆市教育科学研究院英语教研员陈春晖、湖北省教育科学研究院英语教研员周诗杰、东莞市小学英语教研员张凝、广州市白云区初中英语教研员谢和武与参会教师互动答疑。论教环节由广东省教育研究院英语教研员王琳珊主持。在英语教育四季 ……
解决以上教学困惑,4月7-8日,首场“新课标·新课堂·新探索——英语教育四季杏坛”在广州顺利举行。本场四季...索——英语教育四季杏坛”在广州顺利举行。本场四季杏坛由中国教育科学研究院培训中心、21世纪报社主办,中报二十一世纪、教育科学出版社承办,广州市培英中学协办。首场 ……
3月20日,第十四届中国日报社“21世纪•新东方杯”全国中小学生英语演讲比赛总决赛在北京外国语大学盛大举行. 曾在BBC拍摄的中英教育纪录片中充当“严师”,与英国“熊孩子”斗智斗勇的李爱云老师,空降比赛现场,担任评委和颁奖嘉宾. 李爱云是南京外国语学校初中英语教师、英语教研组组长,江苏省特级教师,南京市英语学科带头人. 2015年,李爱云应邀前往英国顶尖公立学校博航特中学执教,直面中英教育的差异,她表示获益匪浅. ……
变化的四季I. Write the four seasons' names in the boxes. II. Circle the season that goes with each sentence.1. We build snowmen.2. Leaves turn red, orange and yellow.3. We go swimming outside1.4. Flowers ……
多彩的四季Spring is green. Everything begins to grow. We can fly kites andplant trees in spring. Summer is red. It is hot. Sometimes it’s rainy. We wear rain boots (雨靴) and raincoats. We play in the rain ……
一首关于“人生四季”的小诗。一首关于“人生四季”的小诗。SeasonsSeasonsThe baby was born in the springWho was at life’s beginningOnly knew eating and drinkingNever cared about livingThe boy ……
bottle with kidney beans (四季豆). Last week, the thieves returned and left with the bottle of beans ……
多彩四季Spring is green. The grass turns green. The flowers are in bloom (开花). Birds sing songs in the trees.Summer is blue. The sun is shining in the sky. Fish are swimming in water. Children ……
我眼中的四季Spring is a beautiful season. It’s always warm and windy. The flowers are colorful. The trees are green. We can fly kites.Summer is hot and sunny. We can swim in the pool. We can eat lots ……
张磊夺冠第四季《中国好声音》。DO you like watching The Voice of China? The final competition (决赛) took place in Beijing on Oct 7. Zhang Lei, 34, from Na Ying’s team, is the winner. This is the third win for Na ……
根据下列线索,大家一起来揭开本期“神秘人物”的面纱吧。 猜到他是谁了吗?快发邮件至zhouyixuan@i21st.cn,截止日期10月15日。我们将从答对的读者中抽取1名幸运者并赠送精美礼品。请注明姓名、学校和邮寄地址。上次答案:李易峰获奖名单:易梦婷 浙江省杭州市四季青中学• He is a 22-year-old, born in Hangzhou.• He ……
根据下列线索,大家一起来揭开本期“神秘人物”的面纱吧。• She is a South Korean singer and actress.•She is 24 years old.•She is a member of group Girls’ Generation. 上次答案:陈伟霆 获奖名单:金晶 浙江省杭州市四季青中学 猜到她是谁了吗?快发 ……
小猪奥利弗和爸爸一起在菜园里忙碌着。他们种了萝卜、四季豆、黄瓜和倭瓜。奥利弗在菜园里播种并耐心等待它们发芽生长。1. Father and Oliver were making a garden. The first row was radishes (萝卜). Next was string beans (四季豆). Then cucumbers (黄瓜). Then squash (倭瓜 ……
摘自: The[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·初一版]
小猪奥利弗和爸爸一起在菜园里忙碌着。他们种了萝卜、四季豆、黄瓜和倭瓜。奥利弗在菜园里播种并耐心等待它们发芽生长。Father and Oliver were making a garden. The first row was radishes (萝卜). Next was string beans (四季豆). Then cucumbers1. Then squash (倭瓜 ……
大师级纪录片《地球四季》呼唤人类关注自然。Do you enjoy documentaries? A French one is showing in Chinese cinemas now. It’s called Seasons (《地球四季》) and is directed (执导) by French filmmakers Jacques Perrin and Jacques ……