honor for jokic 包含2122个检索结果
center was honored 2020-21 NBA Most Valuable Player (MVP). Jokic was the first player to earn the honor... player to earn the honor from the club. Moreover, Jokic became the lowest-drafted player ever to win ……
Nikola Jokic AFPNikola Jokic AFP约基奇当选NBA本季MVP。约基奇当选NBA本季MVP。Nikola Jokic of the Denver Nuggets (丹佛掘金队) became the NBA’s Most Valuable Player for the 2020-2021 season. When Jokic was drafted (选秀 ……
NBA新秀尼古拉·约基奇的蜕变之路。Nikola Jokic is a Serbian (塞尔维亚的) basketball star. When he was 17, he was very lazy and unhealthy. He liked eating cheese pies (奶酪派) and drinking cola. Now Jokic is 22 years old. He ……
Nikola Jokic is named the NBA’s MVP. AFPNikola Jokic is named the NBA’s MVP. AFP约基奇当选NBA最具价值球员。约基奇当选NBA最具价值球员。People didn’t expect much from Nikola Jokic when the Serbian (塞尔 ……
the NBA player Nikola Jokic.Hungary. The match has helped him win people’s attention. Yang developed... player Nikola Jokic. ……
走进挪威蒙克博物馆走进挪威蒙克博物馆A museum was built to honor Norway’s top artist. PAGE 4A museum was built to honor Norway’s top artist. PAGE 4 ……
On June 6, 1981: The government granted the first Special Invention Prize since the founding of the New China to Yuan Longping to honor his achievements in hybrid rice. ……
March 31, 1889: The Eiffel Tower opened to honor the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. It was then the world’s tallest man-made structure, standing 324 meters tall. ……
SEOUL: The FIFA executive committee dismissed Argentina's request to retire its number 10 shirt at the World Cup. Argentina made the request to honor the legendary Diego Maradona, who wore the number. ……
"We swear to be honorable fighters at the Olympic Games and to observe the rules. We take part: in knightly spirit (骑士精神), to honor our countries and for the glory of the sport." ……
"We swear to be honorable fighters at the Olympic Games and to observe the rules. We take part: inknightly spirit(骑士精神), to honor our countries and for the glory of the sport." ……
弘扬“五四”精神,凝聚青春力量弘扬“五四”精神,凝聚青春力量Modern youth models honor the May Fourth spirit with their stories PAGE 4Modern youth models honor the May Fourth spirit with their stories PAGE 4zHANG ……
PROVIDED TO TEENS 苏州学生与奥运同行,共享运动精彩苏州学生与奥运同行,共享运动精彩Students in Suzhou hold a special sports event to honor the Olympics Students in Suzhou hold a special sports event to honor ……
SOME students at Elkview Middle School in West Virginia, US, won honor (荣誉) for their school..., felt happy to win such an honor for the school. “It’s hard to practice three times a week,” Nichols ……
falling. It was to honor a friend of theirs who died during a skydive. 21ST ……
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