week in history 包含27006个检索结果
(放松) and enjoy yourself!This week in history历史上的本周December 26, 1893: On this day, Chairman Mao ……
the fishglow, they look likegreen lights(绿灯). It's fun and beautiful.This week in history历史上的本周December 13 ……
. Now he is 31 years old. Where is he? He is in Germany (德国) .This week in history历史上的本周December 7... to take a walk" and so on.Weird but true信不信由你A cockroach (蟑螂) can live for about a week with no head ……
!This week in history历史上的本周2003年10月15日9点整,神舟五号载人飞船在中国酒泉卫星发射中心发射成功。 Yang Liwei is the first Chinese ……
信由你A shark can grow and lose up to(总共) 30,000 teeth in its lifetime.This week in history历史上的本周October 18 ……
US $250,000.This week in history历史上的本周October 25, 1955: People first used a microwave oven(微波 ……
利亚的人口约为两千万。This week in history历史上的本周October 31, 1951:People first walked over a zebra crossing(斑马线) in England ……
) nests are heavier than afridge.This week in history历史上的本周November 8, 1895: 一位德国科学家发明了X光。Many people ……
.This week in history历史上的本周November 19, 1895:The first pencil was made in the US on this day. 一百 ……
英国男孩把仓鼠的转轮架和一个小发电机连在了一起。In this way, he canchargehis cellphone (手机)! 真是节约能源的伟大发明!This week in history历史 ……
信由你A personblinks20,000 times every day on average (平均).This week in history历史上的本周November 29, 1775 ……
a chair made of foam (泡沫塑料)? It'slight, so it's easy to carry. And it's safe. 就算不小心碰到了头,也不会疼的!This week in history历史上的本周December 19, 1972: The Apollo 17 spacecraft (太空船)returnedto earth from the moon ……
.★ In 1978, a California school district started Women’s History Week to promote (推广) the teaching of women’s history. It was so popular that in 1981, Congress (国会) passed a resolution making the week ……
THE birthplace of the Ancient Olympics was in great danger last week.The deadliest forest fires in Greek history tore through Greece a week ago and reached Ancient Olympia in southern Greece ……
important to our cultural history and eating chips is such a British tradition that it felt natural to combine the two and create some history of our own.” Britons spend on average £4.8 million (48 ……
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