clifford the small red puppy 包含23105个检索结果
for our small red puppy.5. My aunt found him in a cake shop. Clifford wasscared. He ran about... Clifford was very small.he the cakes ran about onto visit my aunt came生词大本营 puppy 小狗scared 恐惧的mess 脏乱idea …… 2006年09月18日
us. He wants to give me a puppy. I choose Clifford. On Mother's Day, Clifford and I want to get...故事简介Clifford在Emily家过得很愉快,大家都很喜欢它。你知道Emily是怎么认识Clifford的吗?My dog, Clifford, was born (出生 …… 2008年05月05日
Clifford长得很快,一转眼就成了庞然大物。警察来了,他们说Clifford太大了,不能住在城市里。无奈,Emily一家只能把他送往乡下叔叔家。住在不同的地方,Clifford和Emily彼此... are starting to notice him.3Someone calls the police. They come to see Clifford. They say Clifford would ……
puppy is my dog, Clifford. Mommy and Daddy are going to a party. I will sleep over at Grandma’s (在奶... for Grandma and Grandpa. I give Clifford some food and water. I hate2 to leave my little puppy ……
Clifford小时候真的是太小了!Emily用洋娃娃的奶瓶喂他,还给他穿上洋娃娃的衣服。Clifford可以坐在CD唱机上打转,还可以开着Emily的电动玩具车兜风。大红狗小时候还有什么趣事呢?快看故事吧。(1) When Clifford was a puppy, he was sotiny. I had tofeedhim with my doll's bottle. (2) And I …… 2007年04月23日
pushes it all the way home? Clifford, my big red dog!...热心善良的 Clifford 是 Emily 最好的朋友。不论何时何地,只要 Emily 需要帮助,他总是立即出现。他还帮助了许多其他需要帮助的人。Clifford 陪伴 Emily 走过 …… 2007年06月25日
) Clifford grows up, he's still his mother's little puppy.(完)...I go to work as soon as we get home. Clifford watches me closely. He can't see where he is going …… 2008年05月12日
. Clifford's mother still sees him as a puppy. Shecheckshis teeth and ears.3. Clifford's sister, Claudia... him as a puppy.( ) Bonnie is Clifford's little brother.( ) Nero works on a farm.( ) Clifford has one …… 2010年09月05日
of Clifford as a puppy. He says, "My boy, let me teach you someskills!"3. Clifford's Dad is a gooddigger. He...故事简介:有一天,Clifford 去看望爸爸。虽然Clifford已经长大,可是在爸爸眼里,他仍然是个小孩子。于是,爸爸决定教他一些本领:挖洞、怎样从垃圾箱里找到有趣的东西。可是 …… 2006年04月24日
第一次去奶奶家故事简介Clifford趁Emily没注意,跳上她的旅行包,和她一起去了奶奶家。这下热闹了,它可没少闯祸。1.Laddie is glad to get outside1.2.We... an awful2 mess3!3.I say, “Naughty puppy! How did you get here?” It takes us a while to clean up ……
! Good old Clifford – yeah! The Big Red Dog.” “Who waits for Emily after school? Who takes a bath (洗澡... Red Dog.” “Who is Emily’sValentine?Who makes every day so fine?”“It’s Clifford! Loveable, laughable …… 2008年04月14日
第一次去奶奶家故事简介Clifford Emily没注意,跳上她的旅行包,和她一起去了奶奶家。这下热闹了,它可没少闯祸。We are getting hungry. It is time to go home and have dinner. We open the door. What is going on? What an awful1 mess! It is Clifford!I say ……
Clifford 小时候,有一个总是和他相反的好朋友。比如:Clifford睡着了,他的朋友却醒着;Clifford很小,他的朋友却很大;Clifford跑得很慢,他的朋友跑得却很快。他们俩还有什么相反的地方呢?快看故事吧。 (1) Clifford isasleep. His friend isawake.(2) Clifford is small. His friend is big.(3 …… 2007年03月05日
故事简介:Hi, I'm Emily. 我们家的春季大扫除开始了!爸爸妈妈忙着搬家具,我忙着晒地毯。Clifford 也来帮忙,不过他好像越帮越忙呢。后来,Clifford 决定... somerugsoutside in the air. 2. Clifford wants to help. He takes a rug outside andshakesit. He shakes …… 2006年04月10日
mystickyred puppy, we finish the valentines. Clifford likes thespecialcard I make for grandma.⑤ Mom and I go...故事简介情人节快到了,Emily正在为家人制作节日卡片呢!Clifford也想帮忙。Emily给了他一些纸。他用独创的方法剪出了许多颗心。Clifford喜欢闻糨糊的味道,于是 …… 2007年04月02日
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