clifford, we love you! (下) 包含112658个检索结果
need him.Thank you, Clifford! (2) One day, I miss the school bus. It doesn’t matter: Clifford gives.... Clifford finds it for him. (4) Suddenly, it starts to rain hard! But we keep our picnic lunch dry …… 2007年06月25日
'm Emily. I love my dog Clifford a lot. But he eats a lot of food. And a lot of foodcostsa lot of money.嗨!我是 Emily。我很爱我的狗狗 Clifford。但是他要吃很多狗粮,所以就要花很多钱。2. Mum and Dad are veryworried. "We will have …… 2010年09月05日
move right away.8Clifford is waiting for me. I say, "Clifford, stop growing. You are just right." I love my big red dog.Learn itwait for 等待Don’t worry. I’ll wait for you.别着急,我会等你的。 ……
't hurt. He is justsurprised. 4. Next, my aunt teaches Clifford how to stay. She says, "Clifford, you can'tmoveuntil I tell you to move." My aunt asks Clifford to sit and stay in one place. Then we go …… 2006年03月27日
故事简介:一天, Emily 和 Clifford 在外面散步。有个人问 Clifford 是否愿意拍电影,他很高兴地接受了。拍完电影后,Clifford 成了家喻户晓的大明星,到处都有他的影迷。好莱坞的生活很安逸舒适,Clifford 会一辈子在那里做明星吗?快看故事吧。1. One day, a man stops us and asks if Clifford would like …… 2006年11月20日
-PATTER all the way home. Clifford takes a nap. ZZZZZ…366期答案:Yes, I do. Mom, I love you forever. 获奖...故事简介“呤……” 闹钟把Clifford从梦中叫醒。小猫“喵”了一声,向他问好。“啪!”面包烤好了,Clifford开始“嘎扎嘎扎”地吃早餐。“叮呤!” 电话响了。接听完, 只听 “砰 ……
. “Great!” says Clifford. “Can we jump in?” asks Cleo. “No!” says Clifford.T-bone is back. Clifford...故事简介秋天到,落叶飘。Clifford,Cleo和T-bone在院子里堆起了叶子,准备一起玩。可是T-bone的叶子刚刚堆好,却有事要回家去,它请Clifford和Cleo帮忙照看它的叶子堆,可是 …… 2007年10月29日
池里跳了出来,Clifford 的打嗝就停了!6. "We did it!" says T-Bone and Mac. Hic-hic-HICCUP! "My hiccups didn't go away, but I feel good because you helped me so much," says Clifford.“我们成功了!” T-Bone 和 Mac 说。嗝……嗝喽!“我的打嗝没停住,但是 …… 2010年09月05日
T-bone 说出真相
备,Clifford 只能看着 T-bone。T-bone 后来说实话了吗?快看故事吧。1. One day, Cleo is in heryard. "I love my new bird-bath.... She'll bemad!" says T-bone.3. Clifford walks into Cleo's yard. He sees T-bone. "Are you okay?" asks …… 2006年05月29日
him," says Cleo.7. "We can't catch Wally. But we can catch acarrot," says Clifford.8. Wally runs after...故事简介:一天,Emily 有事外出,于是让 Clifford 帮忙照顾小兔子 Wally。Clifford 的朋友来了。Cleo 想和小兔子玩一会。Clifford 打开笼子,Wally 逃之 …… 2006年05月15日
第一次去奶奶家故事简介Clifford Emily没注意,跳上她的旅行包,和她一起去了奶奶家。这下热闹了,它可没少闯祸。We are getting hungry. It is time to go home and have dinner. We open the door. What is going on? What an awful1 mess! It is Clifford!I say ……
goes to Cleo’s house. "Hi, Cleo!" says Clifford. "Are you ready to go to the beach?" "I sure am!" says..., running over. "Look at my new beach ball. Isn’t it great?""It sure is," says Clifford. "We’re going …… 2007年08月27日
第一次去奶奶家故事简介Clifford趁Emily没注意,跳上她的旅行包,和她一起去了奶奶家。这下热闹了,它可没少闯祸。1.Laddie is glad to get outside1.2.We... the mess.4.After dinner we watch TV. Grandma makes Clifford a little bed of his own.5.But Clifford has ……
故事简介:上期讲到 Clifford 为了寻找玩具橡皮鼠,去了操场、农贸市场和游乐园,但结果都没有找到。Clifford 太喜欢橡皮鼠了,只好继续找啊找……1. On Wednesday, we...? Clifford looks through the boats. Clifford looks under the boats. No rubber mouse! We are very sad …… 2005年12月05日
大红狗小时候 (3)
present from Santa was a bone.(8)For the new year, we had a wonderful surprise. Clifford began to grow!...Clifford小时候喜欢在夏天追赶鸟儿,尽管他一只也没有逮到过。他还喜欢在秋天追逐落叶。万圣节前夜的南瓜灯和圣诞节的礼物也是他非常喜欢的。新年来了,Clifford很高兴,Emily一家 …… 2007年05月28日
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