A mouse can go without (没有……也能生存) water longer than a camel (骆驼) can. ……
编者的话:Layton 坐飞机到了埃及。那里有金字塔和骆驼,天气非常热。 Layton找了一个酒店住下。他救助Larry的行动就要开始了。与本期内容配套的是PEP小学英语义务教育教材四年级下册的Unit 3。学习词汇:airplane 飞机 hotel 酒店 camel 骆驼 hot 热 pyramid 金字塔看故事填空:The ______ is going to Egypt ……
骆驼喜欢吃多刺的仙人掌。Camels (骆驼) are the “ships of the desert (沙漠)”. Their bodies are built to live in desert environments. They have big feet, which makes it easier for them to walk far. They have long ……
土耳其的骆驼是“斗士”。 DO you find bullfighting (斗牛) too cruel (残忍的)? Here’s a kinder event: camel fighting in Turkey. In the game, a camel uses its neck to force the other one to fall down. A camel wins ……
阿联酋举办机器人骑骆驼比赛。阿联酋举办机器人骑骆驼比赛。Who are riding the camels (骆驼) in this picture? Robots! It&rsquo...装置), Washington Journal reported. Who are riding the camels (骆驼) in this picture? Robots! It&rsquo ……
TENCENTTENCENT“骆驼图书馆”走进巴基斯坦偏远乡村。“骆驼图书馆”走进巴基斯坦偏远乡村。“The camel (骆驼... will keep visiting even after schools open again.“The camel (骆驼) is here!” Pakistani children ……
straw. Come back to my office after school for an hour of detention (课后留校).释义:你让骆驼去背稻草,稻草虽然轻,但很多稻草就会很重。当骆驼到达极限的时候,哪怕你再往它身上加一根稻草,它也会被压倒。所以“the last straw”这个词组的意思就是表示把人最后打倒、打败、打垮的那一击,或者说事情爆发的导火索。现学 ……
克隆骆驼“选美冠军”克隆骆驼“选美冠军” People in Dubai love camels. Every year, they pick the most beautiful camels. Many of them want to keep a “beauty queen”. So ……
机器人骑手赛骆驼机器人骑手赛骆驼Who’s riding these camels? Little robots! They are having a race in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (阿布扎比,阿联酋). Camel racing is popular in the country. But for human riders ……
Robot ridersUNDER pressure to stop the use of children ascamel jockeys(骆驼骑师), theUnited Arab Emirates(阿拉伯联合酋长国) plans to introduce robot riders this year. Children have been used in this sport ……
’t.6. Camels (骆驼) have _____ eyelid/eyelids (眼睑). A. oneB. twoC. three答案见4版 AP AND REUTERS PHOTOS ……
指“最后一根稻草”,这一短语源自于谚语“It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back(压死骆驼的最后一根稻草)”。有这么一则寓言故事:主人给一匹骆驼背上了许许多多的货物,见它任劳任怨不哼一声,就想看它能不能再驮一些,于是又投了一根稻草在上面,没想到就是这最后一根稻草,让骆驼轰然倒地。压垮骆驼的,显然不是最后一根稻草,而是 ……
短语源自于谚语“It is the last straw that breaks the camel’s back(压死骆驼的最后一根稻草)”。有这么一则寓言故事:主人给一匹骆驼背上装了许许多多的货物,见它任劳任怨不哼一声,就想看它还能不能再驮一些,于是又投了一根稻草在上面,没想到就是这最后一根稻草,让骆驼轰然倒地。压垮骆驼的,显然不是最后一根稻草,而是之前所有的重负再加上那最后一根稻草。后来 ……
除了世界杯,卡塔尔还有骆驼赛跑除了世界杯,卡塔尔还有骆驼赛跑This year’s World Cup (世界杯) is in Qatar (卡塔尔). But in Qatar, another sport may be more popular than soccer. That’s camel racing (骆驼赛跑). This year’s World Cup (世界 ……
结婚camel 骆驼 生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营believe 相信stick 粘贴history 历史justice 正义believe 相信believe 相信stick 粘贴stick 粘贴history 历史history 历史justice 正义justice 正义marry 结婚camel 骆驼 marry 结婚marry 结婚 ……