个方面为您提供细致而周到的帮助与指导。---------------------------------领带虽小,却是具有画龙点睛之效的一种与西装搭配的装饰物,在某种程度上可反映出男士的修养、性格和做事风格。领带有季节之分领带有厚薄之分。丝和绸等质地轻软的领带打出的领结比较细小,给人以清爽感,适合在夏季佩带。深红色、咖啡色之类暖色调的领带在视觉上能产生温暖感,适合在秋冬季佩带。春夏之交,领带可选择的余地较大,不过宜以冷色为主、暖色为辅。领带 ……
A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tail. 一只老虎将领带系紧,清洁她的尾巴。 ……
摘自: 绕口令[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
Please find these words of family members:1. Shoes 2. Jacket 3. Tie (领带) 4. Gloves (手套) 5. Socks 6. Vest (马甲) 7. Jeans 8. Cap 9. Belt 10. Skirt ……
Please find these words of family members:1. Shoes 2. Jacket 3. Tie (领带)4. Gloves (手套) 5. Socks 6. Vest (马甲)7. Jeans 8. Cap 9. Belt 10. Skirt ……
icebreaker打破沉默或僵局的话题He wears a funny tie to the blind date, hoping it will serve as an icebreaker.他去相亲系了一条搞笑的领带,希望用它引起话题。 ……
拉尔夫和妻子琼准备去参加一个盛大的宴会(fancy banquet)。拉尔夫为此还穿上了体面的上衣和领带。拉尔夫问妻子:“你觉得我的上衣和领带怎么样?” 琼答道:“这跟你的运动裤不搭调(go with)啊!”“谁会介意这个?在宴会上我是坐着,又不是站着!” ……
“这东西可以为我的手机,iPod,上网本还有蓝牙耳机充电——这是一个能量领带。“Power tie是较为正式的西装领带,通常以蓝色和红色为主色调,设计偏向保守,主要用简单的条纹做图案。这个词另一个含义却是权利纽带、权利关系。现实生活要是真的能拥有一条可同时为如此多便携设备充电的智能领带,那该有多开心! ……
. All my ties are brown except two. How many ties do I have?·我所有的领带都是红的,只有两条例外。我所有的领带又都是绿的,只有两条例外。我所有的领带还都是褐色的,只有两条例外。我到底有多少根领带?本期答案:1. Each middle number (2, 3, 4 and 5) can only be connected to three ……
Tie or shoes?Man: How much is that tie (领带)?Woman: Fifty dollars.Man: What? I can buy a pair of shoes for that amount (数目).Woman: Yes, but who wants to wear a pair of shoes around his neck?Funny ……
(仲夏), and then goes away. 3.Ten tiny tigers tied ten tiny ties (领带) on their tiny tails (尾巴).4 ……
at:www.britishcouncil.org/learnenglishkidsAnswers: 1. shoes 2. jacket 3. tie (领带) 4. socks 5. gloves 6 ……
Both look niceA man shows his wife two ties (领带).“Which one should I wear? I have a big meeting today.”“Both look nice.”Later, the man comes home from work.“How was your meeting?” his wife asks.“Well ……
person every day."最动听的声音是赞美。"——无名氏听到别人的称赞,心里怎会不爽?何不也夸夸别人,把这种美好的感觉传给他们!告诉你的老师他的领带很帅。给奶奶写封短信,说她 ……
父亲节给爸爸一份礼物。课件及教案见网站 测试见7版 FATHER’S Day is a special day for everyone! People celebrate this holiday on the third Sunday in June to honor (纪念) fathers all over the world. Neckties (领带) and flowers ……
as进阶词汇tie n. 领带separate v. 分开announce v. 宣布privacy n. 隐私 ……