音符 生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营female 雌性的drop 珠,滴needle 针thread 线female 雌性的female 雌性的drop 珠,滴drop 珠,滴needle 针needle 针thread 线thread 线note 音符 note 音符note 音符   ……
没有吉他也能弹出动听的音乐?Yes, but you need a pair of yellow gloves. 这双手套可是特制的哦。Then you shake your hands. 摄像头拍下你的动作,由电脑转换成音符。The faster you shake, the hotter (更劲爆) the music is. ……
competition 比赛 sound 发出声音note 音符hang 悬挂生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营instrument 乐器 competition 比赛 sound 发出声音note 音符hang 悬挂instrument 乐器instrument 乐器competition 比赛competition 比赛sound 发出声音sound 发出声音note 音符note 音符hang ……
;t sing high notes (高音).They can’t hear different notes (音符). So, they can’t sing... notes (高音).They can’t hear different notes (音符). So, they can’t sing  ……
(音符). Very interesting!The big “piano” aims to (目的在于) encourage people to take the staircase. See ……
梦想中的树屋My dad built a tree house for me. I painted a moon and music notes (音符) on the house’s wall. People have to climb a ladder2 to get up the tree house. My mom helped me tie3 a bell on the ladder ……
). But he can use software to “pull out” single notes (音符) from the scores. Low notes are in the center ……
(音符): Expressing (表达) yourself is important to you. You feel you have something important to share... are good at inspiring (激励) others. The musical note (音符): Expressing (表达) yourself ……
into a computer program that transcribes it into a sequence of notes (一串音符).Protein music, in its ……
is picked up by a web camera and then makes notes (音符) to be played on a computer. Points ……
work. – Tom Hiddleston, 34, English actor 小编点评: 剑桥大学毕业的“学霸级”演员汤姆·希德勒斯顿谈吐非常优雅。近日在接受采访时他把生命中或喜或悲的各个方面比喻为不同的音符,而生命的过程就是尽力弹奏出最让你感到幸福的和弦(play the chords),而自己非常幸运能通过表演尝试(experiment with)弹奏所有不同的音符。Touch ……
who can see the keyboard, she must remember exactly where each note (音符) is located. She also has... the keyboard, she must remember exactly where each note (音符) is located. She also has to practice six ……
notes (音符)”, Hollywood Reporter commented. TEENSA film about mother-daughter relationships... has “hit all the right notes (音符)”, Hollywood Reporter commented. TEENS ……
musical notes (音符) and flowers for each province of Panama. Above her head, she also showed pieces... musical notes (音符) and flowers for each province of Panama. Above her head, she also showed pieces of pre ……
. The song includes Corbel’s beautiful harp (竖琴) playing. The clear piano notes (音符) and soft singing... includes Corbel’s beautiful harp (竖琴) playing. The clear piano notes (音符) and soft singing slowly tell ……