划艇与皮艇cThe canoe (划艇) and the kayak (皮艇) are different races. Players race over two types of water, flatwater (静水) and slalom (激流回旋).CanoePlayer kneels (跪), uses a single-bladed paddle (单叶 ……
The canoe (划艇) and the kayak (皮艇) are two crafts used in separate races. The races are held over two types of courses, flatwater (静水) and slalom (激流回旋).The modern sport has evolved from ancient ……
The canoe (划艇) and the kayak (皮艇) are two crafts used in separate races. The races are held over two types of courses, flatwater (静水) and slalom (激流回旋).The modern sport has evolved from ancient ……
The canoe (划艇) and the kayak (皮艇) are two crafts used in separate races. The races are held over two types of courses, flatwater (静水) and slalom (激流回旋).CanoeOpen boat, paddler kneels, uses a single ……
a positive meaning too.Translation:静水流深/大智若愚。 ……
. This pipe is often called a stilling well (静水井). Even though waves are changing the water level outside ……
dribble犯规 Foul拳击 Boxing皮划艇静水 Canoe/Kayak flatwater皮划艇激流回旋 Canoe/Kayak slalom自行车 Cycling场地Track公路Road山地 ……
dribble犯规 Foul拳击 Boxing皮划艇静水 Canoe/Kayak flatwater皮划艇激流回旋 Canoe/Kayak slalom自行车 Cycling场地Track公路Road山地 ……
was. Making sense连续几周,三个皮划艇手结伴在非洲中心地带的河流上探险。除了要穿越大段大段的激流,他们还得划过激流之间的静水。每当这时,他们便组成紧密的队形,以挡开(ward off)河马 ……
指示词中的强调意味暗指我是剥夺其梦想的罪魁祸首,流露出作者追忆往事的无限悔恨之情。依笔者拙见,上述刘士聪先生译文的三种特点,前二者正可对应篇首所提“空潭泄春”一句,因其句法于平衡简练中包孕动感,恰如静水微澜,给人...聪先生在笔者心中无愧为译林典范。依笔者拙见,上述刘士聪先生译文的三种特点,前二者正可对应篇首所提“空潭泄春”一句,因其句法于平衡简练中包孕动感,恰如静水微澜,给人以春光般的审美体验;末者 ……
堂教学中,学生的学习兴趣会受到多种因素的影响。教师应根据学生的心理特点,挖掘学生的“兴趣点”,增强学生的“兴趣点”,巩固 学生的“兴趣点”,在各个教学环节中找准一个最佳的切入点,引发“静水投石”的中 ……
20世纪,又出现了毛姆的静水流深、乔伊斯和伍尔夫的意识流、切斯特顿尖刻的悖论、奥威尔犀利的政论。这些精彩的文字经过岁月的风吹雨打,没有褪去过去的辉煌,却又迎来了20世纪下半叶后现代的变异与多元。从古...德的唯美颓废。到了20世纪,又出现了毛姆的静水流深、乔伊斯和伍尔夫的意识流、切斯特顿尖刻的悖论、奥威尔犀利的政论。这些精彩的文字经过岁月的风吹雨打,没有褪去过去的辉煌,却又迎来了20世纪 ……
波洛涅斯给儿子莱阿提斯的“家训”:“Give every man thy ear but few thy voice”(多听少说),复又毫不客气地告诫:“Still waters run deep”(静水 ……