risks. Zhou Wenyan, a 26-year-old lawyer, warns that consumers may face privacy issues (隐私问题... privacy issues (隐私问题) or varying service quality. She advises choosing trustworthy platforms to reduce ……
worried about privacy issues (隐私问题). Enormous amounts of information about people's daily lives ……
’s daily lives. However, it has also caused privacy concerns (隐私问题). In April, US social media company ……
, and the hype is outrunning concerns about safety and privacy. 这种炒作盖过了人们对(无人机)安全性及其所带来的隐私问题...民用无人机在美国的使用情况、法律规范,以及无人机所引发的侵犯公民隐私等问题。Amazon’s delivery drones might or might not ever *buzz around ……
文化之间的差异是我们必须加以重视的。这些差异应当在外语教材和日常课堂教学中得到充足的反映。例如,在禁忌和隐私问题上,不同文化固然有相同之处,但区别是主要的。中国人常常问“您高寿啦?”以示...碍了口头和笔头表达能力的提高。还要说明的是,了解语言所承载的文化绝不是只有在外语学到一定程度时才能做到的。认为要到高中或者至少初中高年级才谈得上了解外国文化的观点是不对的。事实上,从初学开始就存在文化差异的问题。小学 ……