销毁叙利亚化武Russia and the US struck a deal on Sept 14 that will strip the Syrian government of its chemical *arsenal by mid-2014, Reuters reported. The deal may avoid US military action against ……
. She steals books which are the mayor’s (市长的) wife’s and books that the Nazis want to destroy (销毁 ……
with evidence 窝藏、销毁证据The subway tragedy investigators said they were investigating the possibility ……
拍卖槌落下时,这幅名画自行销毁变碎纸!Have you ever seen a painting destroy itself? This strange event happened during a recent auction (拍卖) in London.Girl With Balloon is one of the most well-known works of British ……
写印度历史比我们写得还好”。牛津大学出版社本月18日在一份声明中说,他们为出错词典带来的“冒犯”向班加罗尔人道歉,并承诺冻结库存,销毁剩余词典。然而声明没有透露出错词典的销量,也没有提及如何处理已售词典。 ……
. Over 2,000 kilograms of duck eggs and 800 kilograms of feed weredestroyed(销毁) around the country ……
个关于诚实的寓言颇能引起孩子的共鸣,或许是因为故事中犯错误的是大人而不是孩子。 (3)自己阅卷并可以销毁自己试卷的研究对象的得分比其他人要高。 ……
that the Nazis want to destroy (销毁). She even writes her own stories. Australian author Markus Zusak wrote ……
电影提出解决核武器的方法不是太天真,就是太理想化:把核武器全部销毁。 tipsWhat a beginning! The writer certainly understands the importance ……
具备以火箭弹使用化武的能力。克里还指责叙利亚政府企图销毁相关证据。8月31日,美国总统奥巴马要求国会授权对叙利亚采取军事行动。目前,联合 ……
Calm and Carry On(保持冷静,继续前行)是1939年第二次世界大战开始时英国政府制作的一系列海报。这幅海报原计划是为了应对纳粹占领英国这一假想情况,用以鼓舞民众的士气。战争胜利后该系列海报被秘密销毁 ……
正确选项应该为 D。rejected 驳回。3. C。本句介绍法律条文,法律禁止“超市丢弃或销毁未卖出食品”,而要求“他们必须捐给慈善机构”,故...正确选项应该为 D。rejected 驳回。3. C。本句介绍法律条文,法律禁止“超市丢弃或销毁未卖出食品”,而要求“他们必须捐给慈善机构”,故 ……
of。dispose of是一个短语,意思是“处理,销毁”。虽然偶尔也见到有人讲hard to dispose,但必竟不是规范的用法。7. 第二段第四句they would send out ……
with garbage2) Most of the garbage was _____ in 2006.A. recycled B. buried C.destroyed(销毁) D. composted3 ……
with garbage2) Most of the garbage was _____ in 2006.A. recycled B. buried C. destroyed (销毁) D ……