Host: If you stay overnight, you'll have to make your own bed.Guest: That's okay with me.Host: Here's ahammer(铁锤) and asaw(锯).本笑话由湖南怀化邬坤远供稿 ……
throw (掷铁锤). There are also wonderful Scottish dancing shows. This man is throwing a shot put (铅球..., such as shot put, tug-of-war (拔河), and hammer throw (掷铁锤). There are also wonderful Scottish ……
, heavy crowbar (撬棍), box of chocolates, shovel (铲子), heavy hammer (铁锤), bunch of flowers.”“Good ……
. Here’s the list: shirt, heavy crowbar (撬棍), box of chocolates, shovel (铲子), heavy hammer (铁锤 ……
rather, 宁愿 2. sparrow n. 麻雀3. hammer n. 铁锤 4. chorus n. 合唱5. swan n. 天鹅 6. get tied up to 被束缚7. beneath ……
shouted angrily. “What do you want?”“Got any hammers (铁锤)?”“No,” the cashier said.“Got any nails ……
of thunder (雷). His weapon (武器) is a hammer (铁锤). Thor can throw the hammer at any enemy and it returns ……
.Thor 雷神托尔Thor is the god of thunder (雷). His weapon is a hammer (铁锤). Thor can throw the hammer ……
– 1973)在其短暂的一生中,一共发行了5张专辑和11支单曲。为了生活,他从玩具店的店员、卡车司机、广告业务员、工人到临时教师,几乎什么样的工作都尝试过。还因为不小心被铁锤伤到手指,自己 ……
(武器),” the Australian actor told The Telegraph newspaper, talking about Thor’s magical hammer (铁锤 ……
not to be using some sort of weapon (武器),” he told The Telegraph, referring to Thor’s magic hammer (铁锤). “I ……
难得可以看到这样一本硬朗的书,看到里面那些掷地有声的句子,每一句话语都好象巨大的铁锤撞击人们渐渐麻木的心灵,告诉世人这样一种意识——人生是重要的,伟大的成就是人力所能及的。无庸置疑,《源泉》的确是一部振聋发聩的世纪名著。用作 ……