. They are preparing (准备) for the 2023 Iran Open RoboCup (机器人世界杯伊朗公开赛). They can run and score (射门得分... (射门得分) just like human players. Go, go, go, robots! Word boxWord boxkick 踢   ……
. They control (控制) robot soccer players and try to score goals (射门得分). The team has won (已经赢得) a few... for the competition. They control (控制) robot soccer players and try to score goals (射门得分). The team has won (已经 ……
. They control (控制) robot soccer players and try to score goals (射门得分). The team has won (已经赢得) a few.... They control (控制) robot soccer players and try to score goals (射门得分). The team has won (已经赢得) a few ……
cushion (海绵垫) and fell down after scoring a goal (射门得分). He injured his right ankle (脚踝).But he ……
."Bonus points proud adj. 自豪的score a goal 射门得分describe v. 形容 Bonus pointsBonus pointsBonus pointsproud adj. 自豪的score a goal 射门得分describe v. 形容 proud adj. 自豪的proud adj. 自豪的score a goal 射门得分score ……
scores (射门得分) a lot. He’s also famous for helping his teammates score. “Ozil can always make me stronger ……
) of Portugal’s national soccer team (葡萄牙国家足球队). On Nov 18, Ronaldo scored (射门得分) his 99th goal...牙国家足球队). On Nov 18, Ronaldo scored (射门得分) his 99th goal for the national team. Next year, he will very ……
for the team: 为球队加油score a goal: 射门得分HELPHELPHELPcritic n. 评论家previous adj. 以前的lack v. / n. 缺少,缺乏... a goal: 射门得分critic n. 评论家previous adj. 以前的lack v. / n. 缺少,缺乏be short of : 不足tactically adv. 战术 ……
, converted (射门得分) a long distance free kick to become the first ever goalkeeper in world football history ……
. He’s scored more goals (射门得分) this season than ever before.He’s added new skills to his game ……
近角露出了空当。他见状直接射门得分,这里用的不是shoot而是slot,表明射门像将硬币投入贩卖机般恰到好处。 ……
by kicking the ball between two upright posts. Teams can also kick a fieldgoal(射门得分) during the game ……
by kicking the ball between two upright posts. Teams can also kick a fieldgoal(射门得分) during the game ……
包括了4人共5次对球的处理,最终坎比亚索射门得分。球运行的路线为:Sorin — Saviola — Cambiasso — Crespo — Cambiasso — the net。play a one...队的罗比尼奥在本次世界杯一直充当着罗纳尔多的替补,但他的表现博得了众人的喝彩。他的精彩射门铸就了幸运儿弗雷德的进球。come on as a substitute for... Ronaldo:以替补身份上场,换下 ……
position(越位进球)、volley the ball into the net(凌空抽射入门)、head the ball into the goal(头球入门)等。在足球赛中,“破门得分”可以用make/score a goal来表达,“射门得分者”称为goal getter,破门得分最高的球员被称为scoring champion/top scorer(得分王)。冷门:upset点评:upset ……