not made judgment yet. 《新约圣经》中有个寓言:一个犹太人被强盗打劫受重伤躺在路边,惟有一个撒玛利亚人不顾教派隔阂施以援手。因此Good Samaritan(好撒玛利亚人)引申为“无私 ……
. Finally, a Samaritan (撒玛利亚人), a person from Samaria, in modern-day Jordan (约旦), came and offered ……
Samaritans. “见义勇为”根据字面意思翻译过来是be ready to help others for a just course,英文中最为接近的是good Samaritan(好心的撒玛利亚人),来源于圣经中撒玛利亚人救助路人的典故,后用来比喻对苦难者给予同情帮助的好心人。 “钓鱼”执法entrapment The Shanghai municipal government ……
文中有一个地道的说法,叫做Good Samaritan. Samaritan 是圣经中的撒玛利亚人, 后来泛指乐善好施者Jane is a warm-hearted person. She's always ……
可以把雷锋替换成Good Samaritan (好撒玛利亚人)来表达同样的意思。他是圣经里乐于助人的模范。 以……为纲based on…Mao said that everything should be "based ……