机场里的走私犯Detective Dino receives a call. It says a diamond smuggler (走私贩) is arriving at the Beijing Capital International Airport (北京首都国际机场). The smuggler is going to escape to anothercountry ……
机场里的走私犯Detective Dino receives a call. It says a diamond smuggler (走私贩) is arriving at the Beijing Capital International Airport (北京首都国际机场). The smuggler is going to escape1 to anothercountry ……
you say, I think I know who the smuggler(走私犯) is. When the woman who I think is guilty crosses back... smuggling£?有规律的走私在堂而皇之地进行,边检员掘地三尺却无功而返,经聪明的妻子点拨方茅塞顿开。谁是走私者?走私如何进行?谜底下期揭晓。上期答案:凶手是邮递员。警察所了解的情况是凶杀时间为早上8点半 ……
有魅力的 guru 权威rant 夸夸其谈 smuggler 走私犯tabloid 小报Tunisian 突尼斯的tycoon 企业界大亨 ……