的教学目标及教学对象等多项因素都可能对高校自主英语测试体系的设计和开发产生重要影响。体系运行有风险,动手建立须谨慎。争鸣国内高校中影响最为深远的考试莫过于大学英语四、六级考试。新考 ……
当前人们对AI的态度大致分为两种:一种欢呼,视之为人类福音;另一种惶恐,视之为取代人类的洪水猛兽。对于AI是否可以用于学位论文写作,国内外高校暂未有统一的明文规定。笔者认为,对于AI用于学位论文写作需持谨慎...认为,对于AI用于学位论文写作需持谨慎态度,不可操之过急。学位论文是一种特殊的学术写作文体,其反映写作者对于某一学术问题的独到见解,且写作能力通常是写作者学术水平的反映。例如,《武汉 ……
the president and vice president on Dec 17. The Inauguration Day will fall on Jan 20, 2013. Guarded指“谨慎的”,与cautious和restrained近义。常见搭配有guarded optimism (审慎的乐观),a guarded answer (谨慎的回答)。 ……
“行事小心的,谨慎的”,近义词有careful,cautious,discreet,如:She is always prudent when she speaks, so as not to offend anyone. 贾斯汀·比伯最近被各种负面消息纠缠,在保护个人隐私方面也只好越发谨慎了。 ……
feel one’s way摸索着走, 谨慎行事我不会直接开口跟他借钱。我先试探一下。flare up 突然爆发或加剧如果我决定去其他城市工作,家里马上会爆发冲突。 ……
接踵而来。)be wary of: 谨慎的,小心翼翼的Politicians are avoiding it. Businesspeople are wary of it. P10 (政客们对此避而不谈,商人们对此则谨小慎微。)在该短语中"wary"的意思是“谨慎的”,后面通常接"of"。例如:People are understandably wary of the new government. (人们 ……
trillion yuan.---------------------------------------fiscal 财政的prudent 谨慎的livelihood 民生revenue 国家 ……
are wary (谨慎的) of the change. “There are things that really go along with being formal and well-structured ……
are outgoing and enjoy talking to people.C: You are cautious (谨慎的) and aren’t worried in emergencies (紧急情况).D ……
(浪漫的).C. You are expansive (豪爽的) but can be somewhat self-centered.D. You are calm, prudent (谨慎 ……
. You are calm, prudent (谨慎的) and sometimes shy. You do not tend to hold onto your own views.E. You ……
are wary (谨慎的) of the change. “There are things that really go along with being formal and well ……
people are more cautious (谨慎的) about their online security (安全) than youngsters. They tend ……
be made.Battered credibility意思是公信力受到重创。在马来西亚宣称已“完全确认”残骸来自MH370之后,法国调查人员谨慎地表示只是“非常有可能”来自MH370。 ……
great importance to diligence (勤奋), perseverance (毅力) and caution (谨慎).My peers (同龄人) and I hope ……