教师积极予以疏导。本文以西藏民族英语教育为视角,作粗浅讨论。一、学生英语学习的障碍1.驱动情感障碍民族学生出于对本民族语言即母语的亲情以及对祖国通用语即汉语的尊重,主观情感上隐约产生对英语的排斥意识。换言...要的是:从事民族教育的英语教师要对民族学生倾注真情,以亲人般的爱去消除他们对英语和英语教师的隔膜。有道是:“亲其师,信其道”,学生总是喜欢为深爱他们也是他们深爱的教师而学习的。笔者从事的是西藏 ……
近日,2017年“国培计划”西藏自治区乡村小学校长培训项目北京外国语大学研修班开班典礼在北京外国语大学举行。来自西藏自治区的50位校长齐聚一堂,共同见证了这一重要时刻。北京外国语大学校长助理、北京...基础外语教育研究培训中心及外研社致欢迎辞。在致辞中,王勇充分肯定了近年来西藏自治区教育部门对自治区教育教学质量提升、教育均衡发展的所作出的积极举措,以及校长在推动西藏基础教育发展的先锋地位。他表示,校长 ……
十月的北京秋高气爽,景色宜人。路边红叶争奇斗艳,迎风招展。来自雪域高原西藏藏族自治区的50名“国培计划”(2014)北外项目的小学英语骨干教师来到北京市朝阳区花家地实验小学,与该...习亦有不同的内在需求。面对全体学生,关注他们的差异,只有把我们的教学与他们的差异水平相结合,才能更好地促进学生的思维发展。”活动结束后,记者采访了来自西藏山南地区错那县完小的仁青旺姆老师。她表示:“今天 ……
《普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)》(以下简称“新课标”)指出:游戏教学可以激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的语言运用能力. 因此,教师在教学实践中设计多种游戏活动,能在一定程度上提高学生的学习效率. ……
In the next two weeks, the Olympic flame will go around southwestern China. It is arriving in Guizhou today. This weekend, it will go to Chongqing and Sichuan. Then, it goes to Tibet (西藏) and Qinghai. ……
不用回西藏也能读到藏语书了!WHAT are the two Tibetan (西藏的) students doing? They are reading books in their new library. They are now studying at Hefei No 35 Middle School, Anhui, with 400 other Tibetan students ……
最高的树在西藏最高的树在西藏 Scientists found the Chinese “king” of trees in Tibet. It is a kind of fir (冷杉) tree. The tree is 83.2 meters tall. It is the tallest tree in China.Scientists ……
provided to TEENS 传统与现代相碰撞,西藏舞团惊艳四方传统与现代相碰撞,西藏舞团惊艳四方Young performers from Xizang combine modern elements with traditional dance PAGE 4Young performers from Xizang combine ……
体会西藏独特的风土人情。EARLIER this month, I went to Tibet (西藏) with my parents. When we reached Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet, I was so surprised by the blue sky and fresh air. The great Potala Palace also ……
, according to Xinhua. In May, Chinese researchers found a Himalayan cypress (西藏柏木) in the Tibet autonomous.... In May, Chinese researchers found a Himalayan cypress (西藏柏木) in the Tibet autonomous region. The area ……
章子怡雪域高原献爱心CHINESE actress Zhang Ziyi donated (捐赠) 100,000 yuan she raised in half a year to 40 poor middle school students in Tibet (西藏) on September 1.Zhang, 23, became the "Charitable Ambassador ……
摩托车选手挑战珠峰极限CHINESE motorcyclist Chen Jianjun set off for Tibet (西藏) last Tuesday to beat his previous (以前的) world record. He hopes to climb even farther up the world's highest peak, Mount Qomolangma ……
Tibet is in the southwest part of China. This month, it celebrates its 40th birthday.西藏自治区于1965年9月正式成立。它骑在“世界屋脊”- 青藏高原上。Tibet has the world's highest mountain: Mount Qomolangma (珠穆朗玛峰) . Potala ……
special dance, the moonwalk. I showed them my trip to Tibet (西藏). I had many good pictures and I ……
and Tibet (西藏)Sichuan and Yunnan for small birds. Bigger birds cross the Himalayas (喜马拉雅山脉) to spend winter...古), Gansu, Qinghai and Tibet (西藏)Sichuan and Yunnan for small birds. Bigger birds cross the Himalayas ……