情境领悟:A: That was an interesting performance.B: What did you think of my singing?A: Er … don’t give up the day job.释义:当别人告诉你“Don’t give up the day job”时,其实是在婉转地说,你不适合这个新行当,还是保住你眼下的工作,别把业余爱好变成自己的职业,即 ……
情境领悟:A: That was an interesting performance.B: What did you think of my singing?A: Er … don’t give up the day job.释义:当别人告诉你“Don’t give up the day job”时,其实是在婉转地说,你不适合这个新行当,还是保住你眼下的工作,别把业余爱好变成自己的职业,即 ……
Peking Operaartists(艺术家) talked to the students there. Students learnt there are four bigroles(行当 ……
大富翁把银行当成停车场。词数 180 建议阅读时间 4分钟 A BUSINESSMAN walked into a bank in San Francisco. He told the officer that he was going to Europe on business for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000. The officer ……
. It has interesting music, singing and clothes. There are four bigroles(行当): sheng (men), dan (women ……
门师妹。这首《The Heart of Dixie》是她的首支单曲,发行当天就登上了iTunes乡村榜的榜首,一起来欣赏吧:It’s a funny thing when your world falls ……
美国孩子流行当童军,他们的生活什么样?You might have seen this in US TV dramas. A group of girls knock on people’s doors, trying to sell cookies. What are they doing? They are American Girl Scouts (女童军), and selling ……
for food. But then I tried to help the donkey take the thorn out of his foot. How foolish I was! 我学的是屠夫的行当 ……
then clerked it in a local bank.后来他只好在当地一家银行当职员。You must make a go of it.你们一定要干得漂亮点。They really hit ……
to do"强调动词"start"。在这句中,我们显然需要强调"整容",而不是"开始"。另外,"are having"也是可以接受的翻译。此处用现在进行时表示这种潮流已经开始,正在进行当 ……
), and chou (clown, male or female). 不同性格的演员有不同的情感表达:欢乐,生气,悲痛,幸福,惊异,恐惧,悲伤。京剧的行当分为四种:生,旦,净,丑。5.Since Mei ……
能够较好地运用眼神进行表演。同时,李老师为学生们准备了图片和服装道具实物,通过现场讲解,使学生们简单了解京剧人物的服装搭配及老生行当的基本程式动作。京剧 ……
必须在一周内给予答复。同时,学院还专门建立了250余人的辅导教师队伍,教师结合各地学生的实际情况,定期对学生开展口语与听力练习辅导。记者在采访中还了解到, 复旦大学网络教育学院为每门英语课程配备一名助教,并定期在全国各地的学习中心为学生进行当 ……
当代作家 王小波) 翻译既是一个“体力活”,更是一个“技术活”。翻译者既要具备深厚的人文素养,又要具备娴熟的语言技巧。因此,翻译还是个讲究“精巧”的行当,容不得半点弄虚作假。而实际上呢?读者 ……
危险中),off hand(不管,失控),under way(正在进行当中)。因此正确答案为D。9.语法题题型特征:语法题多考查从句。选项多为从句引导词,例如:which,that,whose ……