萨达姆将让位给次子库赛IRAQI President Saddam Hussein (萨达姆·侯赛因) has announced that he is stepping down to be succeeded (继承) by his younger son, Qusay.Some people believe Saddam has lost patience with Uday, his ……
据美联社近日报道,雅虎(Yahoo!)公司日前公布了2007年度十大热门搜索词汇。热门搜索词分别以“最热新闻词汇搜索”“最热环境词汇搜索”“最热明星词汇搜索”等分类。在“最热新闻词汇搜索”中,“Saddam Hussein”名列首位。2006年12月30日,萨达姆在伊拉克被执行绞刑。由于萨达姆被执行绞行的整个过程被行刑人员私自拍摄并流传开来,因而引起广泛关注。进入最热新闻词汇搜索的还有Iran ……
that best displayed itsculture(文化) and Olympic spirit.3. IraqSaddam pulled down巴格达市中心萨达姆 ……
Saddam on trial萨达姆面临审判SADDAM Hussein wenton trial(审判) inBaghdad(巴格达), Iraq, last Wednesday. He was caught two years ago. He faces acharge(控告) of killing nearly 150 people in a village north ……
模杀伤性武器2.coalition forces 美英联军3.Decapitation Strike 斩首行动4.Saddam's Republican Guard 萨达姆共和国卫队5.Fedayeen (die-hard Iraqi loy alists) 萨达姆敢死队6.Al-Jazeera satellite television station 半岛电视台7.post-war ……
mean "英政府官员称,在打击萨达姆的军事行动中获得民众和国际社会的支持很重要。这种重要性在反对本·拉登的行动中和阿富汗战争中得到了体现。" and "去年,英国政府对本·拉登的第一次公开谴责得到美国的认可和本国民众的支持。在打击萨达姆的行动中,也应该采取同样的方法,说服民众,得到他们的支持。" ……
yourself a raise: 你真该给自己涨工资。这句话其实是讽刺:助手Bruce指出那个消防员其实是个叫Saddam (萨达姆)的伊拉克人,Rick讽刺地说:啊这主意真不错,要我去给一个叫萨达姆 ……
出身贫穷的伊拉克总统萨达姆再次成为世界关注的焦点。"WORDS are very powerful, they can get things done for us, but then a word and a gun makes it much easier."These are the words of the most powerful man in the Middle East ……
people will be relocated.3. IraqSaddam wins vote萨达姆当选伊拉克新一任总统PRESIDENT Saddam Hussein, 65, wassworn ……
not let in children under 18 or let people look atpornography(色情内容).Saddam's birthday visit萨达姆 ……
is paying the price for murdering many Iraqis.萨达姆谋杀了很多伊拉克人,他在为此付出代价。Wise sayingA miss is as good ……
. In Chinese, it might be "更不要说是萨达姆这么一位要人了". ……
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,雅虎公司最新公布的研究报告表明,在过去的15年间,“911恐怖袭击事件”“克隆”和“伊拉克战争”位列网络热门新闻搜索词汇排行榜前三甲。根据雅虎公司为庆祝成立15周年而公布的榜单,萨达姆侯赛因、哈利波特以及迈克尔杰克逊和澳大利亚动物保护主义者史蒂夫欧文之死也成为热门话题。雅虎的统计数字还表明,全球网站数量已从1995年的1.8万个升至目前的2亿,互联网用户也从15年前 ……
全世界都在关注萨达姆能否获得公正的审判,得到应有的惩罚。EVEN though he has been caught, the former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is still causing trouble. His arrest has thrown up as many questions as it has answers. Top ……
中止四年的武器核查正式启动,萨达姆面临严峻考验。WAR or peace depends on whetherweapons of mass destruction(大规模杀伤性武器) are found in Iraq. With this weight on their shoulders, United Nations (UN) weaponsinspectorswith modern ……