VCGVCG法国戏剧大师莫里哀诞辰400周年法国戏剧大师莫里哀诞辰400周年MoliereMoliereProfession: playwrightLived: 1622...; Moliere 莫里哀Our minds need relaxation, and give way unless we mix with work a little play.我们的心智需要松驰,倘若 ……
诞辰400年后,莫里哀依然象征着法国精神诞辰400年后,莫里哀依然象征着法国精神Moliere is a famous French playwright whose works are still popular today. VCGMoliere is a famous French playwright whose works are still popular today. VCG词数 ……
writerMoliere(莫里哀). I had very little idea of how to deal with it.When members of the club began to lose ……
科恩大不列颠文学奖、劳伦斯奥利弗奖以及莫里哀终身成就奖等。此外,他还获得了14个大学的荣誉学位,被誉为萧伯纳之后英国最重要的剧作家。负责诺奖评奖的瑞典学院认为品特回归了戏剧写作的艺术形式,“使戏 ……