."Cheng Wenji, 14, Beijing Shangdi Experimental Middle School"I felt very excited andhonoured(荣幸的) while ……
(荣幸的) to have been given the opportunity", he says. "My greatest wish is simply to make music ……
folk songs such as Danny Boy."I just feel privileged (荣幸的) to have been given the opportunity," he ……
Dear Editor,One of my guy friends just told me he likes me! I'm reallyflattered(荣幸的), but I don't think of him as my boyfriend. I don't want to hurt his feelings, but I also don't like him ……
record contract (合同) for £1 million at the age of nine. "I just feel privileged (荣幸的) to have been ……
词数 327 建议阅读时间 5分钟测试见 7版 教案和课件见网站 THE professor stood before his class of 30 senior molecular (分子的) biology students, about to pass out the final exam. “I have been privileged (荣幸的) to be your ……
词数 327 建议阅读时间 4.5分钟测试见7版 教案和课件见网站 THE professor stood before his class of 30 senior molecular (分子的) biology students, about to pass out the final exam. “I have been privileged (荣幸的) to be your ……
随笔全集》,马振骋认为该奖是“一生最荣幸的事情”。“13年前旧版最大的问题是语言过于文绉绉。其实蒙田的文字都是大白话,很通俗,既不是写给王宫贵族看的,也不是写给下层人士,而是给中间阶层的法国大众看的。所以 ……