编者按:教具是英语教师生动活泼地组织教学,提高课堂教学效率的重要工具。本文作者认为,英语教师应充分利用传统教具与现代化多媒体教具的优点,利用教具激发学生学习兴趣、创设真实对话情境、促进...新课程标准也强调教学应从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发。如果课堂上缺乏形象生动的教具,学生仅听教师讲授难以对学习产生浓厚的兴趣。同样,若教师选择的教具不典型、无新意,亦不能引发学生的兴趣。例如,在讲授教材《Go ……
课上相互交流。由于课前作了大量的调查,又进行了亲身体验,学生们学起课文来不仅得心应手,在进行语言训练时也相当自如。总之,教无定法,教师应根据教学任务、教学对象及教师本人素质,选择适当的方法和途径,让课堂教学生动 ……
教师的成就感与幸福感。【关键词】教师发展;内外生动力;评估;支持;文化【关键词】教师发展;内外生动力;评估;支持;文化一、引言一、引言1.教师发展现状1.教师发展现状教师是学校最宝贵的资源,学校...创建混合式教师培训资源库,完善对应的学习机制。资源库由专人牵头,联合各部门,根据教龄、岗位、学科等分门别类梳理已有教师电子资源放入该资源库中,并将定期举办的优质线下培训和学习机会在此资源库中实时更新。混合式学习资源库及其学习机制的建立给予教师专业发展的内生动 ……
语言是由语音、词汇和语法三个要素组成,要学好英语,掌握好语法是非常重要的. 语法是组词造句的规则,懂得语法可以减少学生运用语言的盲目性,帮助他们提高语言的实践能力,做到正确理解信息,准确表达语意. ……
TUCHONGTUCHONG人类隔离后,野生动物现身城市人类隔离后,野生动物现身城市When cities are locked down because of the pandemic and people have to stay at home, wild animals come to visit these once “scary” places.When ……
TUCHONGTUCHONG人类隔离后,野生动物现身城市人类隔离后,野生动物现身城市When cities are locked down because of the pandemic and people have to stay at home, wild animals come to visit these once “scary” places.When ……
SONG CHEN / China DailySONG CHEN / China Daily“追”野生动物的年轻人们。“追”野生动物的年轻人们。More and more young people are dedicating their time and energy to the protection of biodiversity ……
自然收复失地?野生动物现身城市大街。自然收复失地?野生动物现身城市大街。As humans retreat to their homes amid the novel coronavirus outbreak, wild animals are emerging to explore the empty streets of some of our biggest ……
自然收复失地?野生动物现身城市大街。自然收复失地?野生动物现身城市大街。As humans retreat to their homes amid the novel coronavirus outbreak, wild animals are emerging to explore the empty streets of some of our biggest ……
were colorful and vivid (生动的). Spain welcomes spring with Fallas Fiesta (法雅节). The festival fell.... The sculptures were colorful and vivid (生动的). ……
TUCHONGTUCHONG野生动物肇事,人与自然该如何和谐相处?野生动物肇事,人与自然该如何和谐相处?Wild boars have caused damage in Lishui.Wild boars have caused damage in Lishui.How should we solve the problem ……
Comedy Wildlife Photography AwardsComedy Wildlife Photography Awards野生动物喜剧摄影大赛入围作品欣赏。野生动... Awards (野生动物喜剧摄影大赛) in the UK. Every year, photographers from over 80 countries take part ……
世界上最大的野生动物园将建成The world's biggest animal park will be built in Africa, it was announced on October 4. Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park will be almost as big as the Netherlands (荷兰). The park ……
考点链接重点词汇scared adj. 感到害怕的Can sharks walk?点拨: can是情态动词,表示能/会做某事。考点看台--_____ you play golf?--No. But I can play table tennis. (06北京)A. Can B. May C. Must D. ShouldKey: A进阶词汇weigh v. 重wildlife n. 野生动植物 ……
). There are pictures of Peking Opera masks (京剧脸谱) in the stripes. They look so vivid (生动 ……