同学们,圣诞节和元旦快到了,接下来还有春节,你们一定很喜欢节假日吧!那就让我们来认识一下英语里面关于节假日的英语表达,相信你一定会有收获。安徽省蚌埠第一实验小学 胡玉柱老师 供稿festival 节日,指具有悠久历史的传统节日或持续一段时间的文娱活动。例如:I go to Beijing at Spring Festival every year. 每年春节我都去北京。 This city has a music festival every summer. 这座城市每年夏季举行一次音乐节。holiday 假期、休息日,指国家法定的或因风俗习惯而形成的节假日。例如:Sunday is a holiday so most people do not work. ……
A very long songTHEnational anthem(国歌) of Greece is the longest in the world. The words are from an oldpoem(诗). It has 158verses(节)! No one could sing all of them. Luckily, people only sing the first ……
The shortest national anthem (国歌) is the Japanese national anthem, which is only four lines long. The longest is the Greek national anthem, which is 158 verses (节) long. ……
chapter n. 章,节be unsure about: 对...没把握in order: 有序的,整齐的in addition to: 除...之外skim v. 快速浏览element n. 成分,要素HELPHELPHELPreview v. 复习chapter n. 章,节be unsure about: 对...没把握in order: 有序的,整齐的in addition ……
Q: What causes the sound when you crack (捏) your knuckles (指 节) and is it harmful?A: Cracking your knuckles means pushing a joint (关节) past its normal physical range (范围). The bones of movable (活动 ……
. 章,节smart adj. 聪明professor n. 教授HELPHELPHELPconfusing adj. 让人困惑的tutor n. 家庭教师be disgusted with: 厌烦chapter n. 章,节smart adj. 聪明professor n. 教授confusing adj. 让人困惑的tutor n. 家庭教师be disgusted with: 厌烦 ……
英国小镇的“稻草熊”节。Who is walking down the middle of the street? A “straw bear”! The bear is part of the Straw Bear Festival in the UK. The “bear” is a man in a straw costume (稻草服装). The festival ……
), the anthem is “horribly sexist”.The song’s first verse (节) says Austria is home to “great sons ……
式暨哈尔滨剑桥英语教学服务中心第一期少儿英语师资培训结业颁证仪式 10:00-12:00专家讲座(1场) 13:30-17:00“教学研讨”分会场 微型课例展示及专家点评(4节)“校长论坛”分会场 专题发言一:民办教育机构应对教育国际化的策略 主讲...睿源教育机构董事长) 19:00-20:30教师沙龙 & 校长沙龙 27日 全天 08:30-12:00专家讲座(2场) 13:30-16:30“教学研讨”分会场 微型课例展示及专家点评(4节 ……
设置(1)幼儿园(上接B2版)英语口语(外教,2节),双语探究(4节),英语谈话(2节),英语听读(2节),英语录像(4节)。活动课程(学期课时):班际交流活动(18节),英语广播站(18节),英语戏剧(18节),英语合唱团(18节)等。英语比赛:北滘镇“六一”文艺汇演,省市幼儿英语才艺比赛等。(2)PYP实验小学学科课程(周课时):综合英语(4节),英语听力(0.5节),英语口语(外教,1节),英语 ……
9:00—9:15 开幕式 9:15—9:55 二十一世纪英文报与英语报刊教学专题讲座10:20—11:00报刊课展示(高中2节,初中2节,小学1节)11:10—11:50 报刊课展示(高中2节,初中2节,小学1节)13:00—14:00 专家评课14:00—16:00专题学术报告与研讨●11月3日 离会四、会务费每位参会人员需缴纳会务费500元,食宿由会务组统一负责,交通费自理。五、会务 ……
等场合陪伴嘉宾的礼仪小姐hostessesTranslation"礼仪"包含两个意思, "礼 节" 和 "仪式"。 所以当你在翻译这个词的时候,要特别分析所在语境中,它强调那一层意思:表示"礼节",如餐桌礼仪(table manners)、外交 ……
in the gardens “bend” under the weight of the apples growing from them.In the second stanza (节 ……
can be seen in the reference to its past glory in the first verse (节), and his deep... in the first verse (节), and his deep sadness in the sudden twist in the line "But all ……
Su were overlooked. In the second stanza (节), Su weaves together his love for the country.... In the second stanza (节), Su weaves together his love for the country, frustration (挫折) with his career ……