more attention or require more care than his teamwork and scoring. In Chinese, it is "今年夏天,费城76人队可能会找一支肯出大价钱购买艾弗森的球队。该球队必须愿意忍受他的出格举动。76人队现在认为,摆脱艾弗森比让他得分更重要。"Q: What does "find the back of the net" mean ……
team. In Chinese, it's "虽然艾弗森让球队很是头疼,但他对费城76人队太重要了,所以76人队不会把他卖给其他球队。"Q:I can't understand the quote ……
) between him and a guy like Allen Iverson (阿伦艾弗森). As Iverson's teammate, you are a spectator (旁观 ……
桀骜不逊的艾弗森自己掌握改变命运的答案。BASKETBALL was his path out ofpoverty(贫穷). Had he not played the game, he would be Alan Iverson the car repairer, dustman or even drug dealer (毒贩), copying his father's lifestyle ……