世界杯比赛、足球文化等相关的语言知识。本期聚焦足球赛场的相关词汇。---------------------------------俗话说“知己知彼,百战不殆”。赛场如战场,无论...场开球(kick off)时球必须放在中点,因此汉语中又称之为开球点。足球场上还有三个区,分别是球门区(goal area)、罚球区(penalty area)和角球区(corner area)。在比赛场 ……
2006德国世界杯(FIFA. World. Cup. Germany. ……
PAGE 8Tim Duncan is a quiet man. But he was one of the best players in NBA history. His teammates say he was always happy to help them. ……
XINHUAXINHUA赛场上的青春力量赛场上的青春力量Young stars show the world their power at the Beijing Winter Olympics.Young stars show the world their power at the Beijing Winter Olympics.PAGE 4PAGE 4 ……
XINHUA / VCGXINHUA / VCG00后闪耀冬奥赛场00后闪耀冬奥赛场Su Yiming and Gu Ailing took home Olympic gold. They are just two of the many confident and talented post-00s athletes.Su Yiming and Gu Ailing took home ……
运动赛场上的高科技运动赛场上的高科技How do Olympians become “faster, higher, stronger”? Look at their gear. PAGE 6How do Olympians become “faster, higher, stronger”? Look at their gear ……
AFPAFP中国小将郑钦文闪耀法网赛场中国小将郑钦文闪耀法网赛场Rising young tennis player Zheng Qinwen shares her experience at the French Open with TEENS.Rising young tennis player Zheng Qinwen shares her experience at the French ……
王楚钦如何成为赛场上的“钢铁战士”?王楚钦如何成为赛场上的“钢铁战士”?How did Wang Chuqin learn to control his feelings to become a calmer sportsman? PAGE 8How did Wang Chuqin learn to control his feelings to become ……
are in Hong Kong, Qingdao, Qinhuangdao, Shanghai, Shenyang and Tianjin. 北京2008年奥运会一共有37个比赛场馆。这些... to the public (公众).马匹的空调训练馆Hong Kong Shatin Olympic Equestrian Venue 香港沙田奥运马术比赛场Event: 马术This venue has ……
田径赛场上的最佳运动员。田径赛场上的最佳运动员。Swedish pole vaulter (撑杆跳高运动员) Mondo Duplantis and Venezuelan triple jumper (三级跳运动员) Yulimar Rojas stood out in track and field this year. The two talented athletes have been ……
“外星人”罗纳尔多重返赛场BRAZILIAN football star Ronaldo scored his first goal for Inter Milan (国际米兰) in more than two years on December 9.Ronaldo showed everyone that he had fully recovered from the injury ……
NBA 球员蒂姆·邓肯挥别赛场PAGE 8Tim Duncan is a quiet man. But he was one of the best players in NBA history. His teammates say he was always happy to help them.Natural art用落叶拼成可爱的图案The Japanese are making ……
海口三百师生开展书法竞“字”比赛。On Nov 16, the playground at Haikou Chengxi Middle School, Hainan, became a calligraphy competition field (书法竞赛场). More than 300 students and teachers showed their skills ……
随着2008年北京奥运会的临近,与本届奥运会相关的术语、词汇频频出现在各类媒体的新闻报道中。本栏目特邀北京2008年奥运会笔译和口译服务供应商元培翻译公司的专家对部分奥运热词进行翻译,以飨读者。全天候赛场:all-weather venue背景:2008北京奥运会马术项目的主场馆——香港沙田奥运马术主赛场工程日前已正式交付使用。据了解,香港沙田奥运马术场馆共耗资12亿港元,工程 ……
摘自: 奥运语录[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
.比赛场馆:天津奥林匹克体育中心体育场Folk art:The “Clay Figurine Zhang”(泥人张) is famous around China. 泥塑造型生动可爱。Tianjin...理包子和十八街麻花都是有名的美食。Qinhuangdao 秦皇岛Football 足球Qinhuangdao is a seaside city. 比赛场馆:秦皇岛市奥林匹克体育中心体育场Seaside city:You ……