毕业班的英语教师,只有把握中考的出题脉搏,才能做到有的放矢,加强对学生的学习指导,有效运用考试应对策略,达到事半功倍的效果。 【关键词】 分析;指导;策略江苏省常州市2009年中考试题着重考查考生基础知识掌握情况,把基...种情况下,教师在英语教学中对学生语言能力的培养显得尤其重要。在中考复习阶段,教师一定要分析试卷,把握命题脉搏,研究应对策略。下面,笔者通过分析2009年江苏省常州市中考英语试卷,谈谈应该如何应对2010年英 ……
第十四届“21世纪联想杯”全国英语演讲比赛总决赛圆满落幕由中国日报社和联想集团共同主办、21世纪英文报系承办的第十四届“21世纪联想杯”全国英语演讲比赛总决赛,于4月10日在上海圆满举行. 总决赛中,59名来自中国大陆和港澳台地区的选手,分别围绕“From. College. ……
近日,在奥巴马当选美国总统之后受到广泛关注的畅销书,《我们相信变革》(Change. We. Can. Believe. ……
rates (脉搏) went up to nearly 90 beats a minute. This was 14 percent higher than when they were ……
, they also learned how to feel their pulse (脉搏) and find acupuncture points (穴位) on the human body... herbs (药草). With the help of a TCM (中医) doctor, they also learned how to feel their pulse (脉搏 ……
your heartbeats again. What happened?What happened?A person’s heartbeat, or pulse (脉搏... down again. SOURCE: TNSA person’s heartbeat, or pulse (脉搏), is given in beats per minute ……
on the wearers'breath(呼吸) andpulse(脉搏). When there is something wrong with the person, the sensors send ……
and breathing and smell for any odors (气味). After asking some questions, they check the pulse (脉搏). TCM ……
) and check for strange smells. After asking some questions, they check the patient’s pulse (脉搏), which ……
图) signals from different people’s pulses (脉搏) are not the same. This means that heartbeats can ……
on it. The data include travel distance, time, heartbeat and pulse (脉搏). You can collect this data ……
on it. The data include travel distance, time, heartbeat (心跳) and pulse (脉搏). Visitors can collect the data ……
your pulse (脉搏) or the movements when you snap (打响指) fingers.The World Cultural Council (WCC ……
的) electronic sticker that can wirelessly monitor a person’s pulse (脉搏), breathing, and muscle activity ……
) meets modern technology, what will happen? A device shown at the expo can digitalize your pulse (脉搏... shown at the expo can digitalize your pulse (脉搏) and the condition of your tongue. By taking a picture ……