in the envelope is a random sample.statistics n. 数据,统计数字He used statistics to support his argument. ……
摘自: 调查主题词汇[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高三版]
to land someone on our fortune list,” wrote Forbes magazine.Statistics (统计数字) released by the magazine ……
IT was his final NBA All-Star Game.Kobe Bryant, 37, certainly stood in the spotlight showing off his storied career in the game on Feb 14.According to the league’s statistics (统计数字), the Los Angeles ……
statistics (统计数字) for male smokers in the world.China’s teen smoking rate has reached 11.5 percent, with 15 ……
WHO was the best player in the Eastern Conference in November? You might think it was LeBron James of the Miami Heat, but statistics (统计数字) say otherwise. The title went to 23-year-old Paul George ……
他曾被多支NBA球队裁掉,CBA球队也看不上他,只能去中国次级联赛做外援。谈到现在的成功,他说如果你去看他整个职业生涯的数据,就会看到一串串篮球统计数字,那都证明他了的实力。没有 ……
. 根据官方的统计数字,500多人死于这种疾病。(statistic)6. 根据官方的统计数字 ……
摘自: 实战演练[TEENS, 21世纪学生英文报·高一版]
the first National Tree Planting Day in 1981, the latest official statistics (官方统计数字) show.But last week ……
is not as strong as those in developed countries.Statistics(统计数字) show that donations received by Chinese ……
in the north.Now, a recent study has redrawn (重籠-) the North-South Divide based on government statistics (统计数字 ……
高考词汇statisticsn.统计,统计数字Get me a printout of the statistics.high n. 最高水平,最高数值Profits reached a new high last year.impactn. 影响力What he said made a great impact on everyone.考点看台?They show that growth ……
重点讲解高考词汇title n. 称号、头衔、标题; (体)冠军Tyson won the WBA title in 1987.statistics n. 统计;统计数字Statistics show that 50% of new businesses fail in their first year.addition n. 增加物;加;增加 (add v.)词组: in addition ……
2008年河南省导游人员资格考试将于11月8日举行。河南省旅游局导游人员考评委员会办公室公布的统计数字表明,今年是导游人员资格考试报考人数最多的一年,报名者多达14183人,比去年增长了5.3%。据了解,今年的导游人员资格考试共设有普通话、粤语、英语以及日语、法语、德语、韩语、西班牙语等其他14个小语种考试。与去年相比,增加了泰语、意大利语、越南语、阿拉伯语四个语种。其中,粤语 ……
人们的日常生活每天都被各种各样的数字所包围:电话号码、银行账户、比赛分数等等。最近,一本专门记录另类数据统计的书在英国吸引了读者注意。据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国出版的这本名为Numeroids: Any Number Of Things You Didn’t Know. . . And Some You Did的书中记录了许多与数字有关的趣事,其中一些涉及英语语言的统计数字 ……
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,雅虎公司最新公布的研究报告表明,在过去的15年间,“911恐怖袭击事件”“克隆”和“伊拉克战争”位列网络热门新闻搜索词汇排行榜前三甲。根据雅虎公司为庆祝成立15周年而公布的榜单,萨达姆侯赛因、哈利波特以及迈克尔杰克逊和澳大利亚动物保护主义者史蒂夫欧文之死也成为热门话题。雅虎的统计数字还表明,全球网站数量已从1995年的1.8万个升至目前的2亿,互联网用户也从15年前 ……