) of the envelope. 可以在信封中垫几层纸,以防割破信封正面。Put the banknote (钞票) into the envelope. 纸币要穿过缝隙,露出信封外一段。Cut the envelope with the scissors. 一定要避开纸币哟!It's show time首先,魔术师向观众展示一个信封和一张人民币。然后,魔术师把一张10元纸币当众塞进信封,然后用剪刀从信封中间的底边向上剪开。 ……
What you needAn envelopePaper money ScissorsWhat to doCut in the middle of the bottom (背面) of the envelope. Make sure you don‘t cut the front. Put the banknote (钞票) into the envelope through the cut. ……
摘自: 剪不断的纸币[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·初一版]
People began to use paper money (纸币) about 1,000 years ago in China. It was the first paper money in the world. ……
10PEOPLE can now withdraw (取款) 10-yuan notes (纸币) from ATMs in many cities in Guangdong, such as Foshan and Jiangmen. In most cities around the country, only 100-yuan notes are available from ATMs.6 ……
. The old version will stay in *circulation following the new edition, said the report.“纸币”而美式英语多用bill,而英 ……
全球纸币大比拼,谁能夺冠?ISN’T this banknote (钞票) beautiful? It’s the best banknote of 2015. The International Bank Note Society picked New Zealand’s $5 note out of nearly 40 kinds of notes from 20 countries ……
yuan) notes (纸币) with a serial number beginning with “8888”, which is a lucky number in China ……
如何辨别假币?山东聊城学生已经get到啦!Do you know how to tell fake banknotes (纸币) apart from real ones? Some students in Shandong have learned how to do this. This month, workers from local banks went to a school ……
有钱是万万不能的。”我们去商店购物或外出就餐付帐时,经常需要售货员找回零钱。在美国,人们找零钱时最常用的纸币是一美元(one dollar bill),不过其垄断地位将有可能被两美元(two dollar bill)的纸币所取代。据路透社报道,以前人们很少用到的两美元纸币在市面上的流通量越来越大,逐渐成为市面上的“新宠”。美元作为当今世界的重要货币之一,在世界金融市场上起着举足轻重的作用。与人民币不同,美元的纸币 ……
借点钱吗?The sneakers1 cost a lot of money. 这双运动鞋很贵。coin和note 前者指硬币,后者指纸币。one-yuan coin 1元硬币 10-yuan note 10元纸币change 通常指买东西后找给的零钱。I need some change for the phone.我需要些零钱打电话。Keep the change.不用找钱了。cash 指现金,可以是硬币或纸币。Do you ……
摘自: 如何用“钱”?[石家庄市草场街小学 武智华 老, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
in a supermarket. It has two forms (形式): coins and notes (纸币). 6._ _ _ _ _ _e_It’s a kind of job in a garden ……
纸币小狗出没伦敦,大家请多多留意哦。IT is said that no one gets something for nothing. However, things are different in London. Recently, a company named Beagle Street decided to “release the pounds” to draw people ……
未来你可能不会再使用一元纸币。HAVE you noticed anything different about 50-cent and 10-cent money?u In recent... of China stopped making these two kinds of banknotes (纸币) in 1999 and started to only make them ……
on banknotes (纸币), steel, glass and cotton cloth. It lasted as long as 28 days at 20 C on glass, steel... surfaces such as cotton cloth, it lasts for much less time. Scientists tested the virus on banknotes (纸币 ……
of China. From this month, there will no longer be fennotes(纸币). This is because people don't use ……